Things to keep in mind to prevent an allergic reaction

Things to keep in mind to prevent an allergic reaction

Food Allergy
September 17, 2019 , Last updated: September 4, 2024

According to The Journal of the Indian Medical Association, popularly known as (JIMA), allergies in India are rising at an alarming rate with about 25% of Indians suffering from at least one allergy.

Whether you are coping with seasonal allergies, pet allergies, or food allergies, homeopathy can help prevent and manage their bothersome symptoms better.

As many allergic reactions arrive with little warning and can make your day go from the most beautiful to the worst day in a fraction of seconds, why not make life a little easier with a little precaution?

Let’s learn some basic information about allergies and a few things you can keep in mind to prevent an allergic reaction.


An allergy is a condition induced by an overly sensitive immune reaction to things in the environment that are otherwise safe. When an allergic person is exposed to these things, he or she develops mild to moderate symptoms.

An allergen is a substance that causes an individual to develop allergy symptoms. Dust, pollen, animal dander, certain foods, metals, and chemicals are amongst the most common allergies found.

Seasonal and Perennial Allergies

If you have a seasonal allergy, your symptoms may appear and disappear at the same times each year, pollen is the most common cause of seasonal allergies.

If you have a perennial allergy, your symptoms may be more severe. Allergens in the air, such as mould, dust mites, and pet dander, create perennial allergies, which last all year.

What are the different types of allergies?

Some allergies are seasonal, while others are present throughout the year andsome allergies can be life-threatening too.

Food allergies, respiratory allergies, and skin allergies are all types of allergies.

Food Allergy

As per a study by The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), food allergies are quite common, they impact 5% of adults and 8% of children, and these numbers are rising

A food allergy is an immune reaction after consuming a particular meal, even a small amount of the allergy-causing food can induce allergy symptoms.

For some people, an allergic reaction to a specific food can be unpleasant and life-threatening

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), these eight food allergens, popularly known as the "Big Eight Allergen" list, are the leading cause of food allergy in 90% of cases.

  1. Crutacean shellfish (e.g., crab, lobster, shrimp)
  2. Wheat
  3. Soybeans
  4. Tree Nuts (e.g., almonds, walnuts, pecans)
  5. Peanuts
  6. Milk
  7. Eggs
  8. Fish (e.g., bass, flounder, cod)

Respiratory Allergy

When the immune system reacts badly to certain substances, such as dust, pollen, or animal fur, respiratory allergies develop

As per (NCBI), respiratory allergies may become more common as a result of climate change; a prolonged pollen season is linked to a warmer climate, which can contribute to an increase in allergic reactions and acute asthma.

An itchy nose and throat, nasal congestion, coughing, and breathing difficulty are all frequent respiratory allergy symptoms.

Skin Allergy

When the immune system reacts to something that is ordinarily harmless, the skin becomes inflamed, resulting in a skin allergy.

The most prevalent causes of skin allergies arenickel, fragrances, thimerosal metals and chemicals; however proteins can also cause skin allergies.

Cosmetics and personal care products, as well as hair colors, detergents, and fabrics contain harmful substances that can trigger your allergies. An allergic reaction might cause itching, burning, redness, pimples, hives, and swelling.

Know your triggers

Allergies can be triggered by particles both inside and outside your home, and be present during particular months or all of the year.

Indoors, pollen, animal dander, dust mites, and mold can set off an allergic reaction in your eyes, skin, and respiratory tract. If you find that several triggers make your allergies worse, it means that you are not getting enough preventive medicine, and that there is extra inflammation in your airways.

Therefore, it is useful to know what triggers your allergy symptoms so that you can avoid them and prevent flare-ups.Your homeopathic doctor can help you find outyour allergy triggers.

Learn the severity

The severity of allergies varies from person to person.Sometimes a person can have a mild reaction that affects only one body system, like hives on the skin.

Other times, the reaction can be more serious and involve more than one part of the body, like anaphylaxis, a potentially life-threatening allergic reaction.

The most common anaphylactic reactions are to foods, insect stings, medications, and latex. Hence, it is absolutely crucial to understand the severity of your allergic reaction tobetter plan prevention and treatment.

Also read: Demystifying the myths of allergies

Take preventive steps

Preventing an allergic reaction depends on your allergy type; the best way is to avoid the allergens as mentioned below.

For example, if you’re allergic to nuts, it is advisable to read food labels and ask questions while dining out, for pollen allergies, it is best to remain indoors with windows and doors closed, if you are allergic to dust mites; dust and vacuum and wash bedding often.

Make sure you receive a proper allergy test and know what medications to keep with you.

Get your allergy score now!

Communicate the needs

It is best to let your caregivers know what triggers the allergic reaction and keep them aware of what needs to be done in case of an emergency.

Also, when you are travelling to new places, please be cautious and don’t hesitate to enquire about certain things like food ingredients, hygiene standards of a hotel, climaticconditions, etc.

Treat it right with homeopathy

You can control the allergic reaction and reduce your allergy symptoms with homeopathic treatment.

The conventional mode of allergy treatment involves the administration of anti-histamines, immunomodulators, and steroids that help in controlling the symptoms of allergies thereby providing relief;though temporary.

These medications need to be taken every time there is exposure to the allergen, thereby creating resistance by the body to it on prolonged use. This leads to the requirement of higher dose medications at more frequent intervals, causing long term side-effects.

As opposed to this, homeopathy provides safe and effective treatment for allergies.

Homeopathic treatment for allergy can be easily tapered and stopped once the individual is on the road to recovery. It’scertainly not habit-forming and the body seldom develops resistance to it thereby enabling it to go to the root cause of the illness and give you permanent results.

Also read: How to overcome allergies with homeopathy.

To get this safe, effective, and natural treatment for allergies, take the next step.

At Dr,Batra's®Healthcarehomoeopathic specialist can help you obtain the finest treatment if you have allergies.

To help patients with allergies Dr. Batra's® has recently introduced Allergone - non-steroidal, side-effect-free allergy treatments, which include a comprehensive allergy evaluation and a homeopathic nebulizer that can help you get rid of your allergies.
To deliver enhanced patient outcomes, our allergy specialists have created a range of complete treatment solutions that combine rapid and painless global diagnostics with natural, side-effect-free homeopathy to bring relief from allergies. Allergone is the latest in comprehensive allergy treatments that have been scientifically proven.

Patients across India will be able to accurately and scientifically determine over 45 food-based allergies in about 35 minutes, through a global, simple, and convenient single prick test. Cambridge nutritional sciences have validated Dr Batra's® scientifically proven food allergy test.

Allergies of any kind, whether seasonal, acute, or long-standing, are treated holistically. In homeopathic clinical practice, we begin by treating the most severe, acute allergic reactions that people experience throughout allergy season.

Then, during the symptom-free part of the year, we prescribe a constitutional cure, one that is personalized to the individual's temperament or personality, to avoid exposing the individual to the allergen,to resolve their allergies from the root.

At Dr Batra’s® Healthcare, our homeopathic specialists evaluate your condition, family, and medical history closely before providing a customized Homeopathy treatment.

Book an appointment now!

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