Things to know about Alopecia Areata

Things to know about Alopecia Areata

Alopecia Areata
May 20, 2021 , Last updated: July 10, 2024

When hair falls in tiny patches, it generally remains unnoticed. Gradually, these patches can be well seen. This type of hair loss is known as alopecia areata. Keep reading to know more about alopecia areata.

What causes alopecia areata?

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease where your immune system generates a response against healthy cells by mistaking them for foreign invaders. Generally, our immune system acts as a defense force by acting against harmful bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms. So, in this clinical condition, the immune system destroys the hair follicles which are responsible for hair regrowth. Consequently, these hair follicles get smaller. It stops or slows hair production and leads to hair fall. In some cases, hair loss might occur in eyelashes, eyebrows, face or other parts of the body. Nevertheless, it usually occurs in individuals with a family history of alopecia areata or other similar autoimmune conditions.

Different types of alopecia

There are several types of alopecia and they are classified according to the extent of hair loss.

  • Alopecia areata: The most common type where the hair falls in patches.
  • Alopecia totalis: This occurs when there is total hair loss on the scalp.
  • Alopecia universalis: In addition to hair loss on the scalp, this type causes hair loss all over the body, including the eyelashes, eyebrows, chest, back and pubic hair.
  • Diffuse alopecia areata: This involves sudden thinning of hair on the entire scalp not just a patch in one area.
  • Ophiasis alopecia: This type of hair loss has a band-like pattern in the lower back of the scalp.

Primary alopecia areata symptoms

Initially, you might notice clumps of hair on the pillow or in the shower drain. Following are the signs and symptoms of alopecia:

  • After an episode of stress or trauma, patchy hair loss can be seen.
  • Existing bald spots fill up with new hair while other patches appear simultaneously.
  • Hair loss occurs on the beard, moustache, eyebrow and other parts of the body.
  • For some, fingernails and toenails become red, brittle and pitted.

Things to know about Alopecia Areata

Nevertheless, other health conditions can also cause hair to fall in a similar pattern. A doctor might evaluate your scalp to exclude alopecia areata from other clinical conditions relevant to hair fall.

Alopecia treatment in homeopathy

It is imperative to comprehend the unique causes and symptoms of the condition for ideal alopecia areata treatment. Every person suffering from alopecia areata requires a customized alopecia treatment plan. This is where homeopathy can help.

Dr Batra's® provides an effective alopecia treatment in homeopathy. Our homeopathic doctors develop a tailored treatment plan based on the diagnosis and the patient’s individual needs.

Book an online appointment with us for side-effect-free alopecia treatment in homeopathy.

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