Thyroid Imbalance and Hair Loss

Thyroid Imbalance and Hair Loss: What You Need to Know?

June 4, 2024 , Last updated: July 15, 2024

Have you noticed your once-luscious locks thinning or shedding more than usual? It can be frustrating and sometimes a symptom of something more severe. While it is quite normal to loose up to 100 strands in a day, if the count exceeds and there is a noticeable receding hairline, then there could be an undiagnosed medical problem behind this.

While there are many reasons for hair loss, one potential culprit you might not suspect is your thyroid gland. Thyroid abnormalities are often found to be linked with severe hair fall that most people tend to ignore. Moreover, if thyroid hair loss is not treated on time, it can lead to total baldness. Hence, this problem is such that it cannot be disregarded or left untreated.

This article will discuss various aspects of thyroid imbalance and resulting hair fall. Keep reading to explore them in detail alongside finding solutions for better.

Table of Content [hide]
  1. Thyroid Imbalance and Hair Loss: What You Need to Know?
  2. Understanding Thyroid Disorders
  3. Thyroid Hair Thinning
  4. Conclusion
  5. FAQs

Understanding Thyroid Disorders

The thyroid is a small gland situated in front of the neck. This butterfly-shaped gland is part of the endocrine system and controls bodily functions with its hormones. Thyroid disorders are medical conditions that arise from the inadequacy or excessiveness of thyroid hormones, i.e., T3 (Triiodothyronine) and T4 (Thyroxine), in the body.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Thyroid disorders are divided into two conditions: hyperthyroidism (too much thyroid hormone, overproduction) and hypothyroidism (too little thyroid hormone, underproduction). Hyperthyroidism increases the metabolic rate, whereas hypothyroidism is characterised by decreased metabolism.

Also, most of the time, hair loss due to thyroid is expected in both conditions. The following are the symptoms and diagnosis of each of these conditions:

Hypothyroidism Hyperthyroidism
Unexplained weight gain Unexplained weight loss
Feeling fatigued and depressed Increased heart rate
Slow heart rate and metabolism Irregular menstrual cycles and scanty menses
Weakness of muscles Sensitivity to heat
Sensitivity to cold More sweat on the skin
Dry skin and hair Anxiety, irritability, and nervousness
Irregular menstrual cycles and heavy menstrual flow Thin and brittle hair

These conditions, when not detected on time, can result in severe disorders such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Grave’s disease, Goiter, etc.


Given below are a few diagnostic tests a medical practitioner can prescribe if a thyroid condition is suspected.

  • Physical examination: The doctor physically examines the neck to check if the thyroid gland is enlarged or has prominent nodules.
  • Blood test: Usually, the doctor prescribes T3, T4, and TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) hormonal blood tests to evaluate thyroid abnormality. Depending on the condition, tests for thyroid antibodies can also be ordered.
  • Imaging: Ultrasound or nuclear medicine (radioactive iodine) are the imaging tests used to determine the presence and nature of nodules.

Relationship With Hair Health

Thyroid dysfunction can result in various health problems. The thyroid hormones provide energy to the body cells for performing their functions. Hair loss occurs in the thyroid because the hormones also play an essential role in regulating the hair cycle.

There are three phases of the hair cycle: anagen, or the growth phase, in which the hair actively grows; catagen, or the transition phase, where the hair stops growing; and telogen, or the resting phase, where the hair prepares for shedding and falls.

When thyroid hormones are not balanced, more hair follicles stay at the resting phase, and fewer appear in the growth phase. This situation causes hair loss due to thyroid abnormality, establishing a direct relation between thyroid hormones and hair health.

Thyroid Hair Thinning

When allowed to prevail for longer, a thyroid condition can result in severe hair loss, eventually resulting in baldness. However, it is vital to know that Hair loss due to the thyroid features specific patterns, distinguishing it from the other causes of hair loss.

Symptoms of Thyroid Hair Thinning

The following symptoms characterise thyroid hair thinning:

  • Hair texture: With hypothyroidism hair thinning the texture gets coarse and dry, making it more prone to damage.
  • Loss of body hair: Hair loss because of thyroid condition not only affects the scalp but also includes other body areas such as armpits, eyebrows, eyelashes, and pubic hair.
  • Diffuse hair loss: Hair loss due to thyroid appears as diffuse hair thinning all over the scalp rather than bald patches. Moreover, the density and volume of hair get drastically reduced.

Causes of Thyroid Hair Thinning

Medical conditions initiated by abnormal thyroid hormone levels can result in hair loss. Below are some causes of hair thinning due to thyroid dysfunction.

  • Autoimmune diseases: Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease often accompanied by thyroid dysfunction. In this condition, the immune system attacks the hair follicles, disrupting the normal hair growth cycle.
  • Postpartum thyroiditis is a condition marked by thyroid gland inflammation due to either high or low thyroid hormone levels. It occurs after pregnancy and can be one of the causes of Hormonal imbalance and hair loss.
  • Thyroid medicines: Some antithyroid medicines like tapazole, cytomel can result in hair loss in rare cases.

Treatment Options

Hair loss caused by thyroid problems requires focusing on thyroid problems first, followed by other hair loss treatments. Below are some of the treatments for thyroid abnormality.

  • Medication: To treat Hair loss due to hypothyroidism, synthetic hormone medicine such as levothyroxine sodium can be prescribed by the doctor. In the case of hyperthyroidism, antithyroid drugs such as tapazole can be suggested, as they effectively prevent the thyroid gland from producing hormones.
  • Radiation therapy: Doctors sometimes consider radioactive iodine when the thyroid gland is hyperactive. This treatment damages the cells of the thyroid gland and reduces hormone production.
  • Thyroid surgery: Removal of a part or whole thyroid gland is advised for patients with extreme thyroid abnormality.

It is essential to know that, considering the severity of the condition, the medical practitioner ultimately decides on a treatment for the thyroid patient.

Risk Factors

Some factors can increase the risk of thyroid dysfunction. They include:

  • Medication: Certain medicines can affect thyroid hormone production, resulting in fluctuating levels in the blood.
  • Stress or Injury: Psychological stress from personal or professional crisis can affect the thyroid gland. In most cases, the thyroid secretions are reduced, resulting in hypothyroidism.
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle: Smoking or tobacco consumption can interfere with iodine absorption. These habits can eventually result in inflammation of the thyroid gland, affecting its functions.

Managing Hair Loss Due to Thyroid Imbalance

Balancing hormones is vital to maintaining good hair health. Hormonal imbalance hair loss due to thyroid dysfunction can be managed in many ways. Below are some aspects of it.

Lifestyle Changes

These include:

  • Reduce Sugar Intake: High carbohydrate consumption can increase blood sugar levels. Over time, this can lead to problems like obesity, mood swings, and laziness, which can affect thyroid functions.
  • More Vitamin D: Increasing vitamin D intake from sunlight or supplements can be beneficial. Vitamin D is helpful in hair growth and the prevention of hair loss.
  • Iodine Intake: Regulating iodine intake is of great significance. This is because high iodine intake can negatively affect individuals suffering from autoimmune disease, as the body uses it for more hormone production. Conversely, people suffering from hypothyroidism should avoid consuming food that interferes with iodine absorption, as they need iodine to maintain optimal hormonal levels.
  • Increase Iron: Increasing the consumption of iron-rich food can prevent hair loss and thyroid problems. Thyroid problems can affect the body's ferritin levels, resulting in hair loss. If the body is supplied with proper iron reserves, then hair loss due to thyroid can be greatly relieved.

Medication and Treatment

These include:

  • Medication : The healthcare provider can prescribe over-the-counter medicines for application on the scalp or consumption. It is valuable to know that no medicine should be consumed or applied without a proper prescription from the medical practitioner.
  • Natural Remedies: Essential oils and a variety of herbs have hair-growth properties. They can help improve hair density and reduce hair loss caused by thyroid disease.
  • Hair Transplantation: This procedure essentially removes hair strands with good hair density from the scalp area and transplants them to areas where hair growth is scarce.
  • PRP: Platelet-rich plasma is a procedure in which the individual’s blood is drawn, and the plasma is separated from it. This platelet-rich plasma is then injected into the scalp to promote hair growth.
  • Homoeopathy: Homeopathic treatment for thyroid-related hair loss is widely regarded as one of the most gentle and safe options available. Unlike conventional treatments, thyroid homeopathy is non-invasive and painless, with minimal to no side effects. By addressing the underlying causes of thyroid issues and hair loss, homeopathy promotes the body's natural ability to self-regulate without relying on external supplements, medications, or therapies.


If you’re experiencing hair loss, visit a doctor to check your thyroid function immediately. Early diagnosis and treatment of thyroid issues can restore your hormonal balance, promote hair regrowth, and restore your confidence.

Dr Batra's® Clinic offers the most reliable approach to addressing your health issues. We follow the core Homoeopathic approach and work on restoring your thyroid balance naturally to stop hair loss. Our experts use proven remedies to enhance your body’s healing mechanisms and curb your thyroid issues from the root, relieving you of all health concerns that come along with the disorder. We offer personalised treatments after thoroughly analysing your medical history, current health status, diet, and lifestyle and devise the treatment plan and lifestyle adjustments best suited to you.

Contact us to experience comfortable Homoeopathic treatment with our team of experienced and knowledgeable Homoeopaths.


How do I know if my thyroid is causing hair loss?

If you observe severe hair loss, getting tested for thyroid hormone levels in the blood is vital. If the hormone levels are below or above the prescribed reference range, there is a higher chance of hair loss due to a thyroid abnormality.

How can I stop hair loss from my thyroid?

If you notice the symptoms of hair loss due to thyroid disease, it is highly recommended that you consult a medical practitioner for the appropriate treatment of this condition.

What does thyroid hair loss look like?

Hair fall in thyroid abnormality is characterised by even hair thinning all over the scalp. Rather than bald patches, hair loss appears as a decrease in hair volume and density.

Will hair grow back from thyroid problems?

Yes, it is possible to regrow hair while combating the thyroid problem. After commencing appropriate treatment, one can notice the symptoms reversed and hair density, texture, and volume returning to normal.

Can thyroid hair loss be cured?

Thyroid hair loss can be treated and cured over time. It is essential to know that this definitely cannot happen overnight; however, with proper medication, necessary lifestyle changes and a healthy diet, one can see the improvement in hair health.
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