Tips to take care of your dry skin

Tips to take care of your dry skin

Skin Ailments
February 20, 2021 , Last updated: July 16, 2024

Do you have dry skin? Well, you might be prone to sensitivity. Your skin has a dehydrated look because of its incapability to retain moisture. It feels tight and uncomfortable after washing unless a moisturizer or skin cream is applied. Chapping and cracking are symptoms of very dry, dehydrated skin.

How to maintain moisture?

  • Maintain your natural oils:

    Your body naturally produces oil to keep your skin protected and prevent drying out. However, the biggest threat to your skin's natural protection is your bathing routine. Soaps that remove too much oil from your skin and water which is too hot both put your skin at risk. Use lukewarm water for showering and only use soaps that contain moisturizers and have mild ingredients. You should not bathe too often or for too long. These wash away too much of your natural oil.


  • Exfoliate gently:

    You should exfoliate dry skin. This removes the dead skin. It prevents infection and allows moisturizing products to absorb properly. But don't exfoliate too often. You shouldn't use harsh exfoliants such as a loofah or pumice stone. Instead, baking soda paste or a clean washcloth will get the job done without causing damage. Ensure the washcloth you use is clean. One of the reasons why things like loofahs cause problems is because they easily harbor germs and bacteria. Use a clean washcloth to prevent this from happening.


  • Dry your skin carefully:

    When you dry your skin, be mindful. Forceful rubbing with a towel can irritate your skin and remove too much moisture and oil. This causes dryness or makes an existing skin problem worse. Instead, air dry or lightly pat your skin dry with a soft, clean towel or cloth.


  • Apply a moisturizer:

    Once your skin is wet, you should apply a moisturizer to help lock in moisture and return the natural oils that you might have removed.


  • Apply a thicker layer at night:

    Apply a thicker layer of skincare product at night and then cover the area to protect the product. This will give your skin more time to absorb it.


Tips to take care of your dry skin


Homeopathy for skin problems

Homeopathy reduces the healing time of skin problems and prevents future recurrences. It is imperative to seek homeopathy treatment for long-term results without any side-effects. Homeopathic medicines work with your body’s healing agents to enable them to fight the condition better.

Why choose homeopathy for treatment of skin disorders?

Dr Batra’s® has the experience and expertise of treating more than 1.41 lakh skin patients successfully over the past 35 years. Our homeopathy treatment extends beyond the physical symptoms. We address the fundamental emotional triggers like stress and depression that are seen in patients with skin problems. Therefore, our treatment goes a step further and works towards re-integrating the patient to a normal and better quality of life.

If you have extremely dry skin, you can book an appointment with us on

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