10 Tips To Wash and Dry Hair Correctly

10 Tips To Wash and Dry Hair Correctly

Hair Loss
February 6, 2017 , Last updated: July 2, 2024

What if we tell you, you have been washing your hair the wrong way, all this time. You might be surprised to know and wondering, Is there a right way to wash hair?

Lather, rinse and dry is all that you have to do. No, It's not that simple!

Many people over or under-do a lot of things when washing hair, causing more harm than helping them stay healthy.

Washing and drying your hair using incorrect methods can also lead to hair loss. Knowing the basics of how to wash our hair can make a huge difference in how your hair looks and feels. Proper hair cleaning practices can also prevent your hair follicles from damage, and maintain your scalp health. This blog contains tips on how to wash and dry your hair the right way and control hair fall.

Know your Hair Type

You must be aware about the type of your hair, whether they are thick, fine or coarse. Choosing your shampoo and conditioner depends on your hair type

Things to Know for Better Hair Care

  1. Co-washing


    If you have dry or coarse hair, try co-washing with cleansing conditioners that cleanse and moisturise both. This prevents your hair from drying out and keeps it moisturised and soft.

  2. Natural Alternatives


    Natural alternatives like diluted apple cider vinegar and baking soda can cleanse your hair gently. Other natural options include aloe vera, argan oil, mineral-rich rhassoul clay and ayurvedic shikakai powder.

  3. Moisturise and Protect


    Keep your hair healthy and easy to manage by using gentle moisturizing conditioners. Add post-wash protectants, hair serums and detangling products to your hair wash routine to protect and have healthy hair.

  4. Hair Washing Frequency and Water Type


    Avoid daily hair wash to preserve natural oils. Adjust washing frequency based on your hair type.

    Furthermore, the type of water significantly affects your hair. Hard water can dry out hair. Using water softeners or purifying shampoos, and leave-in conditioners is recommended to help prevent damage.

  5. Wash Your Hair with Lukewarm to Cold Water


    Always use lukewarm cold water to wash your hair. You can set the frequency of washing your hair based on your hair type.

    • For Dry Hair

      : For healthy hair that retains moisture, aim for two cleansing sessions a week. This will keep your scalp clean without stripping away natural oils that make your hair shine.

    • For Normal Hair

      : Treat your hair to a refreshing cleanse three times a week. This is a good balance to remove buildup while keeping your hair healthy.

    • For Oily Hair

      : Daily washes can help manage an oily scalp and keep your hair feeling light and bouncy. Opt for lukewarm to cool water to prevent dryness and irritation.

    Using hot water to wash your hair can cause hair to break and fall, thus causing hair loss.

  6. Shampoo Right


    Consider the type of hair when choosing the best shampoo for you. Use clarifying shampoo for fine hair, moisturizing hair shampoo for thick hair, and colour-safe for treated hair. Avoid shampoo having sulphates and silicones to prevent drying out your hair. Consider investing in natural ingredients, shampoos containing natural oil, herbs etc.

    Once done choosing the right shampoo, here's the steps to follow while applying shampoo:

    • Wet your hair thoroughly.
    • Apply a capful of shampoo to your palms and lather it together.
    • Focus on your scalp and roots: Gently massage the shampoo into your scalp using your fingertips for a minute or two.
    • Distribute the shampoo: Gently run your fingers through your hair, especially if it's thick, to ensure even coverage.
    • Do Not Bunch or Squeeze Hair during Shampoo - This could be damaging since hair is fragile when wet and can easily break. This might lead to hair loss.
    • Rinse thoroughly: Let lukewarm or cold water run from your scalp to ends to remove all the shampoo. Once done, you should feel lighter and cleaner. If not, then shampoo and rinse again.

    Once you thoroughly rinse the hair, you are ready to condition.

  7. Conditioning


    Shampooing might dry your hair and strip off essential natural oils. Conditioning helps regain the moisture that your hair shaft has lost. It helps strengthen hair by adding protein, preventing breakage, and making it easier to detangle and manage.

    Consider your hair type and specific needs when choosing a conditioner—whether it's dry, fine, curly, or colour-treated. Shop for products containing natural oils and proteins while avoiding chemicals like sulphates and parabens

    Steps to use conditioner:

    • Apply conditioner

      : After rinsing out shampoo, distribute conditioner evenly over your hair strands.

    • Skip the scalp

      : Avoid applying conditioner directly to your scalp, focus on the lengths.

    • Wait and condition

      : Leave the conditioner on your hair for a few minutes to allow it to work its magic.

    • Rinse thoroughly

      : Rinse the conditioner out completely with lukewarm or cool water.

  8. Drying


    Letting your hair dry naturally is always the best option. If you are running out of time, go for towel drying but avoid vigorous rubbing. Forceful rubbing with a towel leads to damaged hair, as this weakens hair roots, ‘pulls out’ hair, and aggravates hair loss.

    If you are planning to blow dry your hair using a blow dryer, be sure to use the cold setting for no longer than 4-5 minutes. Hold it at a distance of more than 6 inches from the scalp. Leave a little moisture on the hair in the end — do not burn out all the moisture.

  9. Combing


    Never comb wet hair as hair is elastic when moist and can reach its breaking point easily. Brushing and combing wet hair weakens the roots and leads to thin hair and hair fall.

    When hair is semi-dry or fully dried, use a wide-toothed comb. Avoid using a hairbrush as it has a larger surface area; it can fracture the hair shaft causing hair fall. Wash your comb each time before you wash your hair to maintain scalp hygiene

  10. Oiling before a shampoo


    Hair oil acts as a moisturizer for the hair and scalp. Applying oil at night before shampooing the next morning is a good practice. Use natural oil like argan oil, bhringraj oil etc while oiling.

    Don't use excess oil on your hair. Also, don't leave it on overnight. This can attract dust and make your hair hard to clean. Apply it 30 to 45 minutes before washing.

Akshay Batra
Authored By

Dr. Akshay Batra

Vice Chairman & Managing Director

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