Tired of taking allergy shots? Now, take homeopathy for effective results

Tired of taking allergy shots? Now, take homeopathy for effective results

October 27, 2019 , Last updated: September 3, 2024

Nature can sometimes play a cruel game with millions of easy victims. In fact, some people never get relief at all, suffering throughout the year from sniffling, uncontrollable sneezing attacks, burning eyes and a nose that runs like a faucet. Many of you wake up in the morning to a salvo of pitiful sneezes. After the "machine-gun sneezing," you feel as though all the blood was destroyed out of your system, leaving you even more tired than when you went to bed.


Allergy is a heightened reactivity of your immune system to external substances. Conditions that are caused by an external agent or allergen include eczema, allergic asthma, hives, and hay fever. The most common allergens are house dust mites as well as pollen from trees and grasses.

An allergic person’s immune system believes allergens to be harmful and produces a special type of antibody in order to attack the invading material. This leads other blood cells to release further chemicals which together cause the symptoms of an allergic reaction. An allergic reaction can be caused by inhalation, swallowing, injection, or contact with the skin, eyes or airways. In mild cases, there might be slight itchiness or reddening of the affected area. In severe cases, even anaphylactic shockwave can happen where the body’s immune response is so dangerous that it causes low blood pressure, constriction of breathing and sometimes even death!

Conventional allergy remedies

Sure enough, new over-the-counter drugs continuously promise you fast relief and no more drowsiness. Take one a day, they say, and be smiling all the way. Do you really it’s this simple? The result is that attacks of the complaint keep coming back with a vengeance. Allergy shots are known to be one of the allergy remedies that might give momentary relief. But the disease might recur; they also weaken the immunity as symptoms are treated superficially.

Homeopathic allergy treatment

On the other hand, homeopathic allergy treatment goes to the root cause of the problem and administers individualized medicine to give effective results. In fact, homeopathy actually pioneered the research and treatment of allergies. It was the British homeopath C H Blackley who suggested, in 1871, that seasonal sneezing and nasal discharges were triggered by exposure to pollen dust, over twenty years before conventional medicine developed allergy shots.

Constitutional treatment in homeopathy is slightly different. It is based on a detailed consultation which takes into account the allergic symptoms along with the patient’s individual way of coping with the disease. This might involve looking at aspects of the patient’s lifestyle, eating habits, medical history and state of mind to achieve a complete picture of the individual. Put simply, homeopathy treats not just the symptoms on the surface, but the entire person, effectively and without side effects.

Homeopathic medicine is prescribed based on the patient’s actual allergic symptoms such as the runny nose, itchy eyes, sore throat. It’s probably best to visit your nearest homeopathy clinic to get the correct homeopathic medicine as you are less likely to pick the right one off the shelf first time.

Read More: Living Allergy-Free . . . A Homeopathic Guide

Of course, there is no need to convince homeopathic allergy treatment is a success. Patients who took homeopathic allergy treatment reported a larger improvement in their general state of health, with 57% improvement, compared to 24% in the patients who took allergy shots. This very own positive experience is proof enough that homeopathy works.


If you notice symptoms of allergies, you should book an appointment right away and seek treatment. The expert homeopathic doctors at Dr Batra’s® medical board are always present for a second opinion. Their homeopathic doctors help to design customised treatment plans.

For any queries related to allergies and other health conditions, you can consult the expert homeopathic doctors at Dr Batra’s® on 9033001642.

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