What are Genital Warts?

What are Genital Warts?

May 6, 2021 , Last updated: June 27, 2024

Most people don’t like to talk about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), as they often carry a negative social stigma. But if you or your loved one is infected with genital warts, a sexually transmitted infection (STI), there’s no need to be embarrassed. We’re here to help clear up the confusion and break the stigma.

Genital warts are a common sexually transmitted infection; they are caused by a virus called Human Papillomavirus (HPV). This virus spreads through direct skin-to-skin contact or sexual contact with someone who has HPV on their skin. Not everyone who has the HPV virus on the skin develops genital warts.

Once a person knows that he/she has genital warts, the psychological effects can be immense. The person may feel unclean and embarrassed and may suffer from severe anxiety and depression. This may also affect sexual function.

Be warned: condoms are not 100% effective against genital warts, as condoms don’t cover the genital skin completely. Genital warts get transmitted by direct contact. This means one cannot catch genital warts from hugging, kissing, sharing drinks, towels, baths or cutlery or from swimming pools or toilet seats.

Signs and symptoms of genital warts

The symptoms of genital warts are sneaky and tricky. Warts hide in the genital tract until they grow big enough to become noticeable. They may be present for some time without the person being aware of them. Warts can show up in a group or alone and vary in color: they can be skin tone, a bit darker or white. Texture-wise, they can be bumpy (like a cauliflower) or smooth. Thankfully, warts usually do not cause discomfort, but if picked at they might become painful and can also bleed.

  • In women, genital warts may be found on the vulva (the lips around the opening to the vagina), cervix (entrance to the uterus) and in the vagina.
  • In men, genital warts may be found on the penis, scrotum and urethra (tube for the flow of urine). Genital warts may also be found on the upper thighs and around or inside the anus.

Symptoms may even develop years after being in contact with the virus; hence it is difficult to know how a person came in contact with HPV. It can take between 3 weeks to 18 months after being in contact with the virus for any visible bumps to develop.

Some people get warts only once and then never get them again. Some people develop warts more than once (recurring).

What are Genital Warts?

Conventional genital warts treatments

Treatment for warts depends on which type of warts the person is infected with. Genital warts treatment options include:

  • Creams or liquids:

    A doctor can prescribe a topical cream or recommend an over-the-counter (OTC) variety. It is important to note that OTC remedies for regular warts cannot treat genital warts. Topical creams can also cause soreness, irritation, or a burning sensation.


  • Freezing:

    The warts are frozen with liquid nitrogen, usually every week for four weeks. This also can bring about soreness, burning sensation, and irritation.


  • Surgery:

    In surgery, a doctor cuts, burns, or lasers warts off. This is commonly recommended only if the warts are not responding to or are too large for creams or freezing. Side-effects of surgical wart treatment include bleeding, wound infection, or scarring.

If warts are left untreated, they may increase in size and number and the infected person will be more likely to pass it on to any partners.

Not all bumps on the genitals are warts. There are other infections and skin conditions that might look like a wart but can be something else. Hence, it is important to get checked by a skin specialist or a general doctor before seeking any wart treatment.

Also read: https://www.drbatras.com/skin-diseases/warts/types

Homeopathy treatment for genital warts

Homeopathy treats the root cause of genital warts without any pain. Homeopathy treats each person as a unique individual – it’s common for different people with the same condition to receive different treatments. Homeopathic treatment for warts is selected after a complete individualized case analysis. This analysis includes the symptoms, causative factors, medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution, family history, and underlying pathology.

Homeopathy not only aims at treating genital warts but also addresses its underlying cause and individual responsiveness to the infection.

With a stronger immune system, a person is less likely to have a recurrence of genital warts as the immune system fights the HPV virus. Homeopathy wart treatment harmonizes the immune response and improves the body’s ability to fight the virus. Homeopathy medicine for warts sheds virus cells and reduces the spread of the virus.

According to research published in the Symbiosis Clinical Research in Dermatology, 200 patients suffering from different types of warts were treated with three homeopathic medicines: Thuja, dulcamara, and natrum muriaticum.  It was observed that 179 (88%) patients’ remission started within 1 month and complete remission was seen by 3 months. 

Homeopathic treatment for genital warts is effective and safe; there are no side effects and medicines are made from natural ingredients. It is a painless approach as compared to surgery, laser therapy, cryosurgery, and other invasive procedures.

At Dr. Batra’s®, we have achieved a positive treatment outcome of 94.3% (authenticated by American Quality Assessors-AQA) for skin problems including wart treatment. Book an appointmentfor a customized, side-effect-free, and effective genital warts treatment by our expert homeopathic doctors.

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