What Does Vitiligo Look Like?

What Does Vitiligo Look Like?

March 24, 2021 , Last updated: September 12, 2024

Having clear skin is often considered a privilege that most people dream of. Suffering from white patches on the skin can make one end up always searching for ways to cover up the exposed skin. This stressful experience can affect the patient emotionally and further aggravate white spots.

Vitiligo is generally known to be an auto-immune disorder. The immune system appears to mistakenly attack melanocytes (pigment cells) in the skin, resulting in the formation of white patches. While the vitiligo causes remain unclear; heredity, emotional stress, anxiety, and fear remain the topmost contributing factors.

What Does Vitiligo Look Like?

Understanding Vitiligo Symptoms

Typically, the loss of colour from the skin, hair, or eyes is a common sign of vitiligo. It causes the skin to appear paler than normal, which eventually turns pink or completely white. The patches can appear in one of the following patterns:

  • Generalized Vitiligo:

    The white spots on skin appear on many areas of the body. Amongst all the types of vitiligo, this is the most common one. As time goes on, the progression of patches also increases.


  • Segmental Vitiligo:

    In this case, vitiligo develops at an earlier age than the other patterns. It affects one side of the body and remains in one area of the body. The progression of white patches is also slower than generalized vitiligo.


  • Localized Vitiligo:

    The white spots affect a few parts or just one part of the body. Often a patch of hair on the head, eyelash, or eyebrow turns white.

Also read: How to identify vitiligo

Treating Vitiligo with Homeopathy

In conventional treatment, topical creams, skin grafting, and medical tattooing are common methods of treating vitiligo. Each one of these has its own side-effects. Moreover, no two cases of vitiligo are the same; hence, the homeopathic treatment for vitiligo focuses on individualized treatment. According to a study published in the Indian Journal of Research in Homeopathy, a positive role of homeopathy was identified in the treatment of vitiligo. Homeopathic treatment does not work on suppressing the vitiligo symptoms but aims to trigger re-pigmentation in the most natural, safe, and effective way. It addresses your concerns about white patches on the skin and also its effect on your mental health. Homeopathic medicines for vitiligo treat the body at the level of immunity and helps in slowing down the destruction of melanocyte skin cells. At Dr Batra’s® he homeopathic skin specialist offers a complete vitiligo treatment plan using the safe and natural medical science of homeopathy. After undertaking the patient’s detailed case history, the best skin treatment methods are planned out. With over 1.4 lakh happy patients, Dr Batra's® skin treatments hold the success rate of 94.3% – as authenticated by the American Quality Assessors.

How to Manage Vitiligo?

  • Vitiligo is an auto-immune disorder; hence immune system-boosting foods can help manage it better. Include leafy greens such as spinach and root vegetables such as beets & carrots in your diet.
  • Stress may not cause vitiligo, but excess stress can accelerate the growth and spread of white patches on the skin. Practicing yoga or simply getting a good night’s rest for at least 7 hours can help in managing stress levels.
  • Scratching or continuous friction injuries can lead to the formation of new vitiligo patches. To avoid this, keep your nails short and wear comfortable clothes.

Get an effective, natural, and long-lasting solution for your skin problems with homeopathy. Book an appointment with us: www.drbatras.com/book-an-appointment.

Also read: 10 reasons homeopathy is good for vitiligo

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