Why Homeopathy is the best treatment for Alopecia Areata?

Why Homeopathy is the best treatment for Alopecia Areata

Alopecia Areata
December 19, 2020 , Last updated: July 20, 2024

Do you have bald patches? Well, it can be very distressing. The sudden onset, recurrent episodes, and unpredictable course of alopecia areata have a great impact on the psyche of those suffering from it. Patchy hair loss occurs in people of all ages and affects 1-2% of the human population. (Source: IJRH)

Usually, patchy hair loss is seen on the scalp. But anybody parts of hair can be affected. When alopecia areata appears on the beard, it is known as alopecia areata barbae. The bald patches are typically the size of a one-rupee coin. Complete loss of hair may also occur in some individuals although it is not very common.

Causes of alopecia areata

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease. In this condition, the defense cells of the body start to destroy hair follicles resulting in bald patches. Heredity and genetics play a significant role in alopecia areata. Patients suffering from alopecia areata very often mention a family member suffering from the same condition.

Regular and long-term use of products like shampoos and serums that are sulfur-based can damage the hair follicles. This, in turn, provokes hair fall and later alopecia if not controlled in time. Alopecia is linked with certain hormonal fluctuations. Alopecia occurs during various stages of life where the hormones have an active role to play. Alopecia areata is triggered during puberty, menopause and after delivery.

Homeopathic treatment for alopecia areata

Homeopathy treats many diseases of autoimmune origin including alopecia areata. Homeopathic treatment is very efficient in dealing with alopecia areata. Homeopathic treatment for alopecia areata helps to optimize the overactive immune system that breaks the hair follicles. As a result, homeopathy provides an efficient and long-lasting solution to this hair loss problem. Furthermore, once it is treated with homeopathy, the chances of the problem occurring again are also reduced.

You might want to read more on Homeopathy - The Best Solution for Hair Loss in Patches

Why Homeopathy is the best treatment for Alopecia Areata?


Homeopathic medicines for alopecia areata exclude any risk of side-effects. To test the efficacy of homeopathic medicine for alopecia areata, a group of 60 people who had chronic conditions including alopecia Universalis (the most severe form of alopecia areata) was monitored. At the end of the study, 88.33% of them experienced over 50% improvement in their condition. (Source: Complementary Therapies in Medicine)

Why Dr Batra’s®?

Dr Batra’s® has treated more than 7 lakh hair loss patients. And our homeopathic doctors understand alopecia areata very well. The first step in the treatment is a detailed and thorough diagnosis of your condition. Once a thorough diagnosis is made, a personalized treatment plan is charted out for you. Our doctors completely comprehend the emotional difficulty faced by alopecia areata patients. Along with the treatment, we counsel and guide you on how to deal with the problem. We have a 94% patient satisfaction rate (according to the American Quality Assessors) in treating hair loss.

Book an online appointment with our homeopathic specialists for alopecia treatment in homeopathy which is completely free of side-effects.

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