Treating Bronchitis With Homeopathy
Does your cough refuse to go away despite taking medicines? Persistent cough might not just be due to common cold but it can be a sign of bronchitis, which needs immediate medical assistance. Click below to book an appointment with our doctor to treat bronchitis with natural and safe medicines.
Common cold or bronchitis? Know the difference
Fatigue, tightness in the chest and coughing can be signs of just a simple cold, pneumonia or bronchitis. So how can you tell what exactly is it just looking at the symptoms? One thing that sets bronchitis apart from all the other ailments is its staying power. The bronchial cough persists long after you begin to feel better. It is recommended to consult a homeopath if you have persistent cough. Click here to book an appointment today.
To know more about bronchitis symptoms, click

When should you see a doctor?
Ask yourself these questions. If your answer is yes to most of them, it is time for you to see a doctor.
Do I have a persistent high fever?
Bronchitis can raise your temperature by a degree or two. However, a triple-digit fever is more likely to be pneumonia. In any case, if you have high fever associated with continuous coughing, you should consult a doctor.
Am I having trouble breathing?
If you have trouble breathing, it is nothing to mess around with. Just pick up your phone and call 9033001642 to book an appointment with our expert homeopathic doctor and diagnose as well as treat your medical condition. After all, an effective treatment starts with right diagnosis and treatment.
How long have I been coughing?
Most colds clear up within 7-10 days. If you don’t have fever or trouble breathing, you can wait till your cough goes away on its own. However, if it continues even after 10 days, let the medical professionals take a look.
How do I feel?
If you’re having trouble sleeping, feel like you are just not getting better, have fatigues and you are concerned about your cough, consult a doctor immediately. Click here to book an appointment today. You can also call us on 9033001642 to consult our expert homeopathic doctors.
Breathe easy with homeopathy
Both common cold and bronchitis are caused by viral infection. Only small percentages (about 10 per cent) of bronchitis cases are caused by bacterial invasion. However, in both the ailments, the infecting virus attacks different areas of the patient's respiratory tract. Therefore, the medical approach towards handling both these conditions also differs significantly.

Homeopathy has a good scope in the treatment of bronchitis. It can offer significant relief from symptoms as well as improve the general well being of the patient.
15-year-old Rakhi finds relief from bronchitis with homeopathy
When Rakhi visited us, little she knew that she was suffering from bronchitis. She was coughing continuously and couldn’t even talk. Her mother mentioned that she has been coughing for almost two weeks and has been on antibiotics for a week almost. However, antibiotics gave her temporary relief and coughing returned after few hours. It got worse in night making it difficult for her to even breathe. She was diagnosed with acute bronchitis.
In cases of acute bronchitis, homeopathy can shorten the duration of the illness and rule out the need for prescribing antibiotics to the patient. There is a marked reduction in the toxicity experienced by the patient when he is on homeopathic treatment of bronchitis.
Rakhi was prescribed a homeopathic remedy and she found relief within just couple of days. She was off antibiotics and her coughing reduced. Also, she slept properly in night without cough disturbing her sleep. This was one of such many cases where homeopathy works wonders within just few days of starting the treatment.
Homeopathy treats chronic cases of bronchitis with equal efficacy and helps significantly improve symptoms of chronic bronchitis.
The homeopathic treatment can even aid the patient in quitting smoking and help to prevent complications such as pneumonia, respiratory failure, right-sided heart failure (cor pulmonale), emphysema, etc. Also, homeopathic medicines are without any side-effects whatsoever and are non habit-forming. Additionally, there is no problem in administering the medicines to any patient irrespective of age.