You need not be ashamed to flaunt your skin anymore! Treat vitiligo with homeopathy

You need not be ashamed to flaunt your skin anymore! Treat vitiligo with homeopathy

March 31, 2020 , Last updated: August 21, 2024

Flaunting your healthy, glowing skin is one of the parameters of your status quo. As ridiculous as that sounds, it is true and not everybody can afford to do that at all times because they do not possess an "ideal" skin. The fact of the matter is, skin problems of any sorts is a major morale destroyer. Vitiligo is a medical condition that truly belongs to this category.

More than skin deep!

Vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder where it looks like your skin is getting white patches but it's actually void of colour. It is a skin disease where you lose pigment called melanin in certain areas of the skin, resulting in the occurrence of white spots. This happens when your body's immune system attacks the pigment-producing cells called melanocytes. Vitiligo affects all ethnicities, age groups and all genders. It is not life-threatening or contagious by any means, but it sure is mental warfare. The constant stares, comments under the breath, being left out of certain tasks or gatherings; it takes a massive toll on someone's mental strength. It is an ever-changing and progressive condition and might come back when you think you have gotten rid of it.

The fundamental cause of vitiligo is unknown. However, it is believed that people suffering from other auto-immune conditions such as diabetes, thyroid, and alopecia areata, among others are more likely to develop this skin whitening disease. The genetic component also plays a major contributing factor here. If there is someone among your blood relatives who has vitiligo, chances of you having it increase substantially. Furthermore, some viral infections do tend to kill off melanocytes in some regions. Sunburn, stress, exposure to industrial chemicals could also be some of the triggers. Read more about vitiligo.

It is better to deal with this disorder right at the early stage. Let's move on to treatment methods available for vitiligo.

Conventional treatment

Prescription vitiligo creams and ointments are among the most common vitiligo treatment methods. These topical creams act as anti-inflammatories and tend to reduce pigmentation loss. Ointments may show positive effect in the long run but one cannot entirely rely on these medications. Possible side-effects may include skin thinning, increased risk to severe diseases like cancer, lines of discolouration, just to name a few. Light therapy is an excellent alternative wherein the affected areas are exposed to a controlled amount of light. Although very effective, uncontrolled exposure can cause severe burns and rashes.

If none of the above white spot treatment works, your doctor might suggest skin grafting in which a small portion of unaffected areas of skin is removed and surgically implanted on the affected regions. This too proves to be very impactful but sure does come with shortcomings of its own. Problems like permanent marks on the skin and inability to retain pigments always persist. The right treatment for vitiligo is the one that is side-effects free.

Role of homeopathy

Homeopathy deals with chronic conditions in the best way possible. Along with treating the external symptoms, it goes deep, finds the origin of the disease and then eliminates it. As mentioned before, vitiligo might coexist with other medical conditions and there is more to it than just the physical signs. It is imperative to factor-in everything and create a personalised prescription that suits a particular individual. At Dr Batra's®, vitiligo treatment in homeopathy has been a saviour to countless patients. Their reviews and testimonials are proof enough to trust this healthy and natural approach. Book an appointment now and see your life change.

It is only a matter of time before you realise that homeopathy is your best weapon against skin problems including vitiligo. Choosing a homeopathic medicine for vitiligo will provide relief unlike anything else.

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