10 signs of depression you should not ignore

10 signs of depression you should not ignore

October 10, 2018 , Last updated: July 5, 2024

Are you experiencing any of the following?

  1. A persistent feeling of sadness
  2. Isolation
  3. Feeling of emptiness
  4. Spells of crying
  5. Irritability
  6. Lack of interest in things that one would have loved doing
  7. Lack of urgency or energy
  8. Excessive sleepiness or sleeplessness
  9. Hopelessness
  10. Decreased sex drive

These are the common signs of depression. To confirm the same take our evaluation test to know whether you are suffering from depression.

Causes of Depression

  1. Hereditary: Depression could run in families. Life circumstances and events play a major role in causing the genes for depression to be activated.
  2. Chronic illness: A person who may be suffering from an incurable disease or certain disease since long could suffer from depression.
  3. Female causes of depression: Females experience hormonal changes in their lifetime when they are in and around their menses or when they get pregnant or when they are entering menopause. Hence these hormonal imbalances could cause depression in women and to add on their life circumstances would accelerate the feeling of depression
  4. Stress: Stress is a part and parcel of most of our lives. It depends on the level of our individual sensitivities which may lead to depression.
  5. Seasonal: Sunlight increases the happy hormone serotonin. When the days get shorter and night get longer in winters especially in countries where there is no sunlight in winter months, some people experience symptoms of depression. Hence they are advised to keep light boxes to help them combat depression.

Homeopathic treatment for Depression

  1. First of all, it is very important to talk to your doctor when you are starting to experience such symptoms and rule out whether you are suffering from depression.
  2. Any emotional and mental health problems should improve and a long term treatment prospect is always good.
  3. Your homeopathic doctor can help you and overcome the blocks in life as homoeopathy involves individual medicine and patient counselling.
  4. Homoeopathy is a mind-body medicine. Homoeopathy treats not only the physical complaints, but also targets the mind and gently restores mind-body equilibrium- thus it treats the patient as a whole.
  5. Homeopathic remedies work by stimulating the body’s own healing capacity by encouraging the body to reactivate hormone secretions and are very gentle on the system which does not damage any other organs.
  6. Homeopathy is free from any side-effects unlike anti-depressants given in conventional medicine.
  7. Homeopathic medicines are non-addictive.
  8. The overall health related quality of life can improve with the help of homeopathic medicines.
  9. If a patient is taking conventional medicine for anxiety or depression, they can continue taking the medicine with homoeopathic medicine. Slowly and steadily when the anxiety or depression come to normalcy the conventional medicine can be tapered off and the person can continue with homoeopathy to avoid recurrence.
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