Are thyroid and obesity related?

Are thyroid and obesity related?

January 18, 2020 , Last updated: September 3, 2024

When it comes to weight gain, thyroid is that younger sibling who gets blamed for everything. The close connection between obesity and thyroid is not unknown. Hypothyroidism can be interlinked to modest weight gain. This link has rooted stronger in the previous recent times years due to an unnatural rise in obese people worldwide.

Are thyroid and obesity related? The answer would be affirmative. Obesity is considered secondary to hypothyroidism. Even the changes in the TSH i.e. the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone is another factor considered secondary to thyroid.

Why is this connection between obesity and thyroid so strong?

Your thyroid gland produces a hormone which regulates your metabolism and fat oxidization. Even minor changes in TSH can be interconnected with notable changes in body weight and poses as a huge risk factor for obesity. On the contrary, when someone has overreactive thyroid i.e. hyperthyroidism, they will experience weight loss.

According to Dr. Kitahara from the American Thyroid Association, treating an obese patient suffering from thyroid with medications isn’t the safest course of action. Losing weight naturally can be a safer alternative. Stress can be a trigger when it comes to thyroid and obesity as well. Want to know more as to how stress can influence your thyroid? Read away at–-how-are-they-related

Revealing the links between thyroid cancer and obesity:

Obesity developed due to thyroid can also put you at the risk of getting thyroid cancer. According to a study analysed and published in the journal named Thyroid, (No, it’s not a coincidence) more than 83,000 men and 1.2 million women submitted their BMI and waist circumference. It was observed that the higher the BMI throughout adulthood, the higher are the chances of developing thyroid cancer. Your TSH is a huge driving factor in the development of thyroid cancer as it influences the thyroid gland to release the thyroid hormone and overproduction of which contributes towards the development of cancer.

Are obesity and thyroid just related or inter-dependent?

When a person is diagnosed with thyroid, as mentioned earlier, will experience weight loss as well. However, does it happen vice versa? According to the American Thyroid Association, 5 units of increase in BMI is enough to affect your thyroid.

Does weight gain impact thyroid gland?

An obese person who has a regular functioning thyroid gland, having higher TSH levels is an outcome and not a reason for obesity. Under these circumstances, it’s better to lose weight beforehand. Making efforts to lose weight will reduce your chances of being diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Now, is there any other example for “Prevention is better than cure” more apt than this?

Should you make the supplement mistake?

Supplements and over-the-counter medicines are quite popular when it comes to leading a “healthy” lifestyle these days. When it comes to thyroid patients, taking non-prescription and over-the-counter medicines may sound tempting as they relive the thyroid symptoms for the time being. However, temporary jobs and temporary treatments, both contribute absolutely nothing towards your well-being. All they do is make you hunt for a permanent solution while you are still annoyed by your current course of action.

What’s the better alternative?

The answer to this question is one simple word: homeopathy. Homeopathy medicines for thyroid diseases treat both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism with safe treatments which are free of any toxic side-effects. Basically, homeopathy works towards reinstating your thyroid gland back to its original state and stimulate it enough to make it release a standard amount of thyroid hormone as required in the body.

Every patient travels a distinctive journey when it comes to thyroid. Every patient undergoes a different set of physical and mental symptoms. Dr Batra’s® acknowledges this fact and hence offers personalized treatment for every patient followed by many counselling sessions and a fruitful diet plan by expert nutritionists.

When you book an appointment at Dr Batra’s®, you can take it as a gospel that your obesity and your thyroid will be treated with absolute efficiency and sincerity.

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