1. Chetan asked - what is the best medicine for OCD? »
Hello Chetan, Exercise like aerobics is helpful in reducing the severity of OCD. Go for a diet like nuts, eggs, complex carbs like whole fruits, vegetables, whole grains. Avoid caffeine and alcohol. See a doctor for evaluation as well.
2. SIAM asks - can they offer treatment for schizophrenia? Our doctor decided that my sister was suffering from that problem. »
Hello Siam, Yes, your sister can be treated for schizophrenia by homeopathy medicines. Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels and acts. There is an inability to think clearly, manage emotions, and make decisions. It may be genetic or may be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. You may notice some symptoms that are not really present, false thoughts and belief that someone is spying on her, moving from one subject to another like improper thinking and speech, inappropriate clothing. It cannot be left unintentionally because it can lead to social isolation, victimization of aggressive behavior of others, and even suicide. Homeopathic medicines are prescribed based on individual case analysis and your sister will find relief in her signs and symptoms such as hallucinations, confusion, irrelevant behavior and thoughts.
2. Yogesh asks - I am a very quiet person; Everyone tells me that I want to be talkative. How can i do that? »
Namaskar Yogesh, you are a quiet person, who may have reason to be concerned with justice, low confidence or temperament. If it is a cause for social anxiety then you can get help with homeopathic medicines which will assess the seriousness of your problem and understand the underlying mindset and emotions and help you to overcome anxiety. Homeopathic medicines are safe, natural and proven form of treatment without any side effects. Some tips can help you talk to family and friends, go out with your friends often, exercise like brisk walking for 30 minutes, eat well and get enough sleep.
2. Gayatri asks - what is the treatment for fear phobia?? »
Namaste Gayatri, Fear is a strong reaction to fear or anxiety that may be of little or no real danger that may be out of proportion to the situation or object. You may have phobias of insects, dogs, needles, heights, etc. You may complain of excessive sweating, dizziness, chest pain, palpitations, diarrhea. Every phobia will have a different medicine in homeopathy and you can get rid of your phobia. Try taking Kali Phos 6X to relieve you.
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