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Tips to keep acne away from your skin

Tips to keep acne away from your skin

Acne is caused when tiny pores in the skin are blocked due to excess sebum…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
21 Sep 19 , Last updated: 18 Jul 24
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Erase those white patches of your life with homeopathy treatment

Erase those white patches of your life with homeopathy treatment

Are you aware of the white patches which occur due to a disorder named vitiligo…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
21 Sep 19 , Last updated: 18 Jul 24
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Lichen planus causes - Do not allow it to grow on you.

Lichen planus causes - Do not allow it to grow on you.

Lichen planus is a common disease that causes swelling and irritation on your…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
21 Sep 19 , Last updated: 18 Jul 24
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Started losing my hair at 20: Here's how I conquered Male Pattern Baldness

Started losing my hair at 20: Here's how I conquered Male Pattern Baldness

I was worried when I saw a few extra hair on my pillow in the morning. At first…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
21 Sep 19 , Last updated: 18 Jul 24
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Worried about hair loss? You may lose more hair because of 'worry'

Worried about hair loss? You may lose more hair because of 'worry'

Everyone loses hair from the head every single day. Nevertheless, if you are…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
21 Sep 19 , Last updated: 18 Jul 24
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Relationship between hair loss in women and menopause

Relationship between hair loss in women and menopause

Did you know that menopause is one of the causes of hair loss in women?…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
21 Sep 19 , Last updated: 18 Jul 24
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5 ways to protect your hair from pollution

5 ways to protect your hair from pollution

Living in a busy metropolis must be certainly exciting and entertaining for you…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
21 Sep 19 , Last updated: 18 Jul 24
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3 Main reasons for hair loss and its prevention plan

3 Main reasons for hair loss and its prevention plan.

Over time, you might experience hair loss. Some of the degrees of hair loss are…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
21 Sep 19 , Last updated: 19 Jul 24
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