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Losing sleep over hair loss? It’s time to gear up for some action then!

Have you been noticing your hair everywhere…on the pillow, on the floor and in…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
12 Mar 19 , Last updated: 10 Jul 24
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With India being the most depressed country in the world, fight depression the Homeopathy way

With India being the most depressed country in the world, fight depression the Homeopathy way

While social media keeps us more updated on the happenings in people’s lives…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
12 Mar 19 , Last updated: 10 Jul 24
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Migraine without pain? Yes it can happen and it is called an ocular migraine

Migraine without pain? Yes it can happen and it is called an ocular migraine

Have you been seeing flashing or shimmering lights in front of your eyes or…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
12 Mar 19 , Last updated: 10 Jul 24
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Vestibular Migraines: The Dizzying Type of Migraine

Experiencing headaches since long and now getting dizziness with spinning of…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
12 Mar 19 , Last updated: 10 Jul 24
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Migraine In Children- Predict And Prevent

Is your child often missing school? Do you suspect your child is falling sick…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
12 Mar 19 , Last updated: 10 Jul 24
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Know how Sangeetha fought depression: Case Study

Know how Sangeetha fought depression: Case Study

Sangeetha suffered from depression for couple of years. Initially, she dint…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
06 Mar 19 , Last updated: 10 Jul 24
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3 things you should know about male pattern baldness

3 things you should know about male pattern baldness

Few things create as much stress and anxiety in men as these two words – hair…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
05 Mar 19 , Last updated: 10 Jul 24
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Recognizing and Treating Depression caused due to Chronic Illnesses

Recognizing and Treating Depression caused due to Chronic Illnesses

It is common to feel sad or discouraged after a heart attack, a cancer…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
05 Mar 19 , Last updated: 10 Jul 24
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