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होम्योपैथी में पीएमएस (प्री-मेन्स्ट्रॉल सिन्ड्रॉम) का उपचार

होम्योपैथी में पीएमएस (प्री-मेन्स्ट्रॉल सिन्ड्रॉम) का उपचार

बहुत सी स्त्रियों में मासिक स्राव शुरू होने से पहले मूड में उतार-चढ़ाव, अफारा…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
24 Sep 18 , Last updated: 05 Jul 24
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क्या सफेद दाग (विटिलगो) हमेशा के लिए होते हैं? उनका उपचार कैसा किया जा सकता है?

क्या सफेद दाग (विटिलगो) हमेशा के लिए होते हैं? उनका उपचार कैसा किया जा सकता है?

सफेद दाग एक पिग्मेन्टेशन संबंधी विकार है क्योंकि यह त्वचा को रंग प्रदान करने…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
24 Sep 18 , Last updated: 06 Apr 24
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Does losing weight make your hair fall out?

Does losing weight make your hair fall out?

Hairfall after weight loss is a very common problem. It’s important to…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
21 Sep 18 , Last updated: 05 Jul 24
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Piles – A painful problem homeopathy can relieve

Piles – A painful problem homeopathy can relieve

Piles or Haemorrhoids are abnormally inflamed or engorged blood vessels in the…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
20 Sep 18 , Last updated: 04 Sep 24
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Role of Homeopathy is treating thyroid disorder

Role of Homeopathy is Treating Thyroid Disorder

Thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland which is found in the front of the…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
20 Sep 18 , Last updated: 05 Jul 24
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Homeopathy gets to the root to treat Diabetes

Homeopathy gets to the root to treat Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a disease that affects the usage of blood sugar or glucose…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
20 Sep 18 , Last updated: 05 Jul 24
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5 simple ways to control hairfall in winter

5 simple ways to control hairfall in winter

All the seasons come in with unique reasons for hairloss. Winters are known to…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
19 Sep 18 , Last updated: 02 Jul 24
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6 amazing tips for women to reduce hairfall

6 Amazing Tips for Women to Reduce Hairfall

There are various reasons for hairfall in women. Timely intervention with a…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
19 Sep 18 , Last updated: 06 Sep 24
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