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Safe & Natural Warts Treatment in Homeopathy

Safe & natural warts treatment in homeopathy

Prasad, a 32-year-old man came to our clinic for treatment of warts. He…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
02 Jul 17 , Last updated: 19 Jul 24
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Homeopathy & trigeminal neuralgia

Do you experience pain while brushing teeth or while putting make-up? This…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
29 Jun 17 , Last updated: 11 Jun 24
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Don’t Let Dry Hair Ruin Your Fun

Don’t let dry hair ruin your fun

For Jenny, combing her hair is always a struggle. In winters and in summers,…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
29 Jun 17 , Last updated: 11 Jun 24
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Hashimoto’s Disease, Dry Skin and Homoeopathy…

Hashimoto’s disease, dry skin and homoeopathy…

Hashimoto’s disease/ Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease in which…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
29 Jun 17 , Last updated: 11 Jun 24
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Here’s How You Can Control Body Acne

Here’s How You Can Control Body Acne

Don’t you just hate it when a pimple appears on your nose the same day you have…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
29 Jun 17 , Last updated: 11 Jun 24
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Gastritis & Its Homeopathy Treatment

Gastritis & its homeopathy treatment

Is heartburn or indigestion taking away your pleasure of eating? If yes, you…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
29 Jun 17 , Last updated: 11 Jun 24
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An ounce of prevention of Hair thinning is worth a pound of cure...

An ounce of prevention of hair thinning is worth a pound of cure...

Many of us are always in search for the best solution to stop our hair from…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
28 Jun 17 , Last updated: 11 Jun 24
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7 Tips for Beautiful Summer Feet

7 Tips for beautiful summer feet

Reena is a working woman and in summers open-toe flat shoes are her best…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
28 Jun 17 , Last updated: 11 Jun 24
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