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Demystifying PCOS myths

Demystifying PCOS myths

Some medical conditions hit you like a rock and change your life immensely.…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
05 Feb 20 , Last updated: 20 Aug 24
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Is psoriasis troubling your sleep? Tips to overcome it.

Is psoriasis troubling your sleep? Tips to overcome it.

Do you suffer from psoriasis and find yourself awake in the middle of the night…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
05 Feb 20 , Last updated: 20 Aug 24
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Things you're tired of hearing about Psoriasis

Things you're tired of hearing about Psoriasis

Visual imparity, even due to diseases like psoriasis invites social stigma from…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
05 Feb 20 , Last updated: 20 Aug 24
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Eczema myths busted

Eczema myths busted

People love believing what’s presented in front of them without injecting…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
05 Feb 20 , Last updated: 20 Aug 24
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Is alopecia caused by stress?

Is alopecia caused by stress?

With this hectic life in metropolitans or even in the countryside, if you get…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
05 Feb 20 , Last updated: 20 Aug 24
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Homeopathy is the best treatment for female pattern baldness. Know Why

Homeopathy is the best treatment for female pattern baldness. Know Why

More than a body part, hair for women is an accessory they carry around with…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
05 Feb 20 , Last updated: 20 Aug 24
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How do you know if you'll go bald?

How do you know if you'll go bald?

If only you had someone to intimate you that you hold a chance of going bald in…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
05 Feb 20 , Last updated: 20 Aug 24
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How to reclaim confidence of your loved ones who've been diagnosed with vitiligo?

How to reclaim confidence of your loved ones who've been diagnosed with vitiligo?

We’re all aware of the fact that a suffering patient’s journey is extremely…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
05 Feb 20 , Last updated: 20 Aug 24
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