Infertility Treatment

How Homeopathic Medicines Can Cure Fertility Problems

November 11, 2016 , Last updated: April 20, 2024

Homeopathy treats the person in the context of the totality of characteristic symptoms. It is this constellation of information that is the syntax nature uses to guide the hand of the homeopathic physician in the course of cure.

Homeopathic medicine was first discovered by a German medical doctor, Dr Samuel Hahnemann, MD, over 200 years ago. It grew rapidly in popularity because it was effective, safe and gentle. In North America, there have been more than 100 homeopathic hospitals, many medical schools and even homeopathic mental institutions. It has been the medicine of choice of the royal family for over three generations as well as celebrities and historic figures, like Mahatma Gandhi and George Bernard Shaw. Today, homeopathy ranks as, perhaps, the fastest growing complementary treatment in the world. Studies do indicate that the results obtained with treatment are not due to placebo (dummy pill).

The Centrepiece

The centrepiece of homeopathic medicine is the ‘law of similars.’ The idea that a substance can cure in the sick the kind of experiences it can create in the healthy (‘subjects’ who take part in experiments). What this means to the patient is that homeopathy is uniquely holistic in attitude. The doctor, in order to make a successful prescription, must take into account all changes in the person if fertility was an issue (or, if unwell before), moods, dreams, sleep, being hot or cold and especially any emotional or physical trauma just before the onset of the problem. So, that, for example, a patient who suffered from grief, became introverted, chilly and woke with dreams of robbers would get a different homeopathic remedy from one who was unwell, since taking hormones with indifference and severe premenstrual syndrome (PMS) despite both patients having fertility issues of the same kind.

It is important that patients first exclude the possibility of a problem requiring surgical intervention before seeking homeopathic treatment. Once this has been established homeopathy becomes a very effective, safe and dependable choice.

A Case In Point

Janet presented with complaints of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), a disorder that can lead to easy or excessive bleeding, and problems with fertility. She had two miscarriages in the last six months. One in the second; and, one in the third month of pregnancy. The patient had gone off the birth control pill. She developed several episodes of cold, flu and sinus affections for which several rounds of antibiotics were prescribed.

A few months later, she was pregnant and felt quite healthy. Despite this, she experienced heavy contractions and miscarried one night.

A month later, a terrible chest cough came on and antibiotics were prescribed. One week later another miscarriage.

After each miscarriage dilation and curettage (D&C) - a procedure to diagnose and treat certain uterine conditions - such as heavy bleeding - or, to clear the uterine lining after a miscarriage or abortion – was done. Since being off the pill, cycles were longer (30-35 days) as opposed to the mathematical 28 days prior. For about one year, she suffered from severe tiredness. “I must give in to it. When tired I can fall asleep anywhere any time.” “If I sit for ten minutes I can fall asleep easily.”

Also, this last year there occurred a split-second of dizziness. It comes and goes. “It’s as if I am in a spin, in a whirlwind.” She was usually standing when it occurred.

Headaches. Frequent and intense. It is throbbing in both temples. It is sharp and piercing. It can stay one or two hours. They occur if there is chaos or noise at the business. “I constantly think of many things which need doing. I bring it on myself.”

Sinus issues for many years now. “If I catch cold it’s my ears, throat, sinuses, or chest, which constantly get infected. If it’s very cold outside my sinuses open up. If it’s warm and humid my nose closes.”

Throat is a very dry; has a burning sensation. It flares fast. The throat seems to close on swallowing and is better from cold drinks. There is a deep, dry hacking cough and “the whole thing goes into my chest after a few days.”

Once the chest symptoms come on, the bones begin to ache and her whole body stiffens, gets tense and it feels as if she cannot move.

Menses. Since the miscarriages the menses are 2-3 days heavier and there are more clots. There is an increase in sexual desire towards the end of the flow.

Appetite. Loves spicy potato chips, caesar salad. Thirst for cold water with lemon.

Thermal profile. “I am cold and can chill easily.” “My tolerance to the heat of the sun, however, is limited for ten minutes and I must seek the shade.”

Has a fear for thunderstorms.

Sleep. Dreams a lot. Dreams are vivid. “I must sleep in a cool room for the fresh air. If the room is warmer my nose is stuffed.”

Temperament. “I can cry easily with happiness or sadness. I am a nice person. I like to do things for others. I like to entertain. I like my job working with others.”

Healing With Homeopathy

Homeopaths must first decide what is most important in the thought process. According to Dr Hahnemann, the most characteristic elements of the disease are to be foremost in the consideration.

In this case, improvements continued until for most part of the year till seasonal allergy symptoms kicked in and brought with them a host of respiratory issues. The sinuses became awfully involved with pain and discharge. A vicious cough caused much unrest.

This susceptibility to take cold and trigger the sinuses with chest distress was a chronic issue. True, the headaches, energy and general state seemed better. However, the menses had not yet altered.

The symptoms had not altered much, so then homeopath decided to give some other medicine which cleared the cough and allergy symptoms. It also normalised her menses.

She returned occasionally, simply to ask for another dose of same medicine, if her energy levels or resistance felt a bit down.

Finally, she had a lovely pair of twins.

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