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Hashimoto’s Disease, Dry Skin and Homoeopathy…

Hashimoto’s disease, dry skin and homoeopathy…

Hashimoto’s disease/ Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease in which…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
29 Jun 17 , Last updated: 11 Jun 24
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Here’s How You Can Control Body Acne

Here’s How You Can Control Body Acne

Don’t you just hate it when a pimple appears on your nose the same day you have…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
29 Jun 17 , Last updated: 11 Jun 24
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Gastritis & Its Homeopathy Treatment

Gastritis & its homeopathy treatment

Is heartburn or indigestion taking away your pleasure of eating? If yes, you…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
29 Jun 17 , Last updated: 11 Jun 24
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An ounce of prevention of Hair thinning is worth a pound of cure...

An ounce of prevention of hair thinning is worth a pound of cure...

Many of us are always in search for the best solution to stop our hair from…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
28 Jun 17 , Last updated: 11 Jun 24
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7 Tips for Beautiful Summer Feet

7 Tips for beautiful summer feet

Reena is a working woman and in summers open-toe flat shoes are her best…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
28 Jun 17 , Last updated: 11 Jun 24
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Homeopathy ups your wellness quotient... Naturally

Our body is smarter than we all think. It can heal itself when it is in…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
28 Jun 17 , Last updated: 11 Jun 24
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10 Ways Smoking Ruins Your Looks

10 Ways smoking ruins your looks

Ronit began to worry when he started noticing a widening bald patch develop…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
28 Jun 17 , Last updated: 11 Jun 24
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All You Need to Know About Thyroid and Veganism

All you need to know about thyroid and veganism

Sophia is 19 years old and in college. She pays strict attention to her health…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
28 Jun 17 , Last updated: 10 Jul 24
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