Can hereditary hair loss be cured?

Can hereditary hair loss be cured?

Hair Loss
October 19, 2018 , Last updated: July 6, 2024

Male Pattern Baldness is a type of hairloss which is a result of excess male hormone (testosterone). When Testosterone gets converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) more than normal limits it causes thinning of hair which results in male pattern baldness.

DHT shrinks the hair follicle. The hair follicle therefore, gets smaller and finer. This is referred to as miniaturization of hair follicle. DHT reduces the growing phase and increases the resting phase of hair. DHT also increases the oil from oil glands to be produced in excess, so even if you are washing your hair daily it gets oily and sticky by the end of the day.

Hair follicles, which are most sensitive to DHT, are located in the front and top portion of the head. This area is most prone to hair loss. The horse-shoe shaped area covering the back and sides of the head has hair follicles that are not sensitive to the effects of DHT.

Hereditary factors, hormones, stress, chemical treatments, mismanagement of hair, dandruff, smoking, lack of sleep are known triggering for hair loss.

An individual who has genes for baldness will show the symptoms when he gets affected by anyone of the above mentioned triggering factors. Hair regrowth in such cases largely depends on the hair problem you are diagnosed with and how much it has progressed. Male Pattern Baldness in its early stages responds well to treatment. In advance stages it may not be possible to bring back your lost hair but the progress of hair loss can be slowed down. Most cases of hair loss require long term treatment (often for years). Hair growth cycle is of 3-7years. It is important not to lose patience during treatment because impatience and resulting stress will slow down the process of recovery. Consider it a lifestyle illness, much like high blood pressure or diabetes where you keep taking pills for all your life to keep them under control. This holds good for progressive hair loss. You have to keep taking medicines for a long time, but then it’s worth your time and effort.

Hair loss treatment for men at Dr. Batra’s®

Homeopathic Medicines

  1. Homeopathy remedies are selected and customized for you based on your history
  2. Homeopathy effectively treats the underlying cause of hair loss such as anaemia, thyroid etc, thereby controlling the hair loss itself
  3. Homeopathy is safe and easy to use
  4. Homeopathy forms the main line of treatment for hair loss problems and can be supplemented and supported with various other treatment options listed below for further enhancement

Enhancement Treatments

  1. Dr Batra's® Hair Vitalizing Treatment
    1. Dr. Batra’s Hair vitalizing treatment is a highly effective hair rejuvenation treatment process.
    2. This Low Level Light Therapy increases cellular activity and promotes the proliferation of thick, full and healthy hair.
    3. It is painless and free from side-effects.
  2. Dr Batra's® Gro Hair
    1. French Technology based on 2003 Nobel Award winning discovery which helps to improve the volume of hair
    2. Works on electroporation where hair serum containing DHT inhibitors penetrates the scalp and stimulates hair growth
    3. Painless procedure and has no side-effects
  3. Dr Batra's® STM Cell Treatment
    1. Latest revolutionary treatment brought to India by Dr Batra's™
    2. Minimal or no pain
    3. No side-effects
    4. Restores cellular multiplication, cellular growth by improving blood circulation
    5. Restores the hair follicles to the original size and minimizes hair thinning

Visit our nearby clinics to know from our experts more about the hair treatments for men.

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