Do homeopathic medicines have a PCOS cure

Do homeopathic medicines have a PCOS cure

December 15, 2017 , Last updated: September 3, 2024

"Don't mind the mood swings, social awkwardness, and my obsession over hair removal products!" – Hi, I'm Ashita! This used to be my 'disclaimer' during those distressing years when I was suffering from a hormonal condition called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome until I found its safe and natural treatment in homeopathy.

In this blog, I'm going to explain how homeopathy cured my PCOS condition safely and effectively.

Where it all began!

As a senior in high school, I was no longer menstruating and had developed other physical manifestations that were very unsettling. Unsightly dark hair developed over my upper lip began to sprout on my chin. While I was obviously not happy about this, I simply thought it was a matter of heredity and just one more reason to avoid making social contacts. Around this time, my mother would frequently fuss at me about having a dirty neck and elbows. I would scrub and scrub, but it just wouldn't go away. Years later, after being diagnosed with an ovary cyst, I learned that this was actually an early sign of a hormonal disorder!

I was distressed by the fact that why no one ever told me about this earlier. No doctor had picked up on it during my yearly physicals. My mother and I were always told during medical visits that my hormones were still adjusting, and I needed to lose weight and take skin treatments. Neither of us ever thought to question the judgment of medical professionals.

Seeking homeopathic help for PCOS

Finally, at the age of nineteen, after a year with no periods, when I shared my problem with one of my friend's Mom, she recommended me homeopathy. During her teen years, she was distressed with the same condition and homeopathy helped her relieve the symptoms of PCOS permanently.

I followed my friend's Mom's advice and started homeopathic treatment for polycystic ovarian syndrome. My menstrual cycle in that month was no less than a nightmare. Eventually, the bleeding stopped and life returned to 'normal'

After a few months, my periods regularised and associated problems got resolved. I really had no idea that the irregular bleeding, facial hair growth, thickened-dark skin and sudden weight gain were related or that I was suffering from the effects of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.

If you too are looking for a safe, natural, and effective treatment for PCOS, consult expert homeopaths by booking an appointment online.

1 in every 5 women suffers from PCOS.


If you too are suffering from this hormonal disorder, don’t worry. You are not alone. Interestingly, half of the women with PCOS go undiagnosed because this condition does not cause any pain in most of the cases. Usually, women consider medical assistance only when PCOS symptoms start disrupting their routine life. If left untreated, PCOS can lead to complications like diabetes mellitus, infertility and ovarian cancer. Therefore, as the first preventive measure, you should know about common symptoms of PCOS so that you can take the right treatment in initial stages.

PCOS treatment

Homeopathic Medicine for PCOS

With the knowledge that I gained about polycystic ovarian syndrome treatment in homeopathy, I can say that there is hope that females dealing with the symptoms and physical manifestations will no longer have to suffer in the dark. No young woman should be told today that going months, or even years, without menstruating is normal. Even if a young woman in her teens is diagnosed with PCOS, there is no need to panic and get confused about what is the best treatment for polycystic ovarian syndrome. Conventional ovarian cyst treatment aims at restoration of the typical symptoms along with dietary therapy and/or use of contraceptive pills but the downside is that they provide just temporary relief and increase drug dependency.

Research has shown that polycystic ovarian syndrome treatment in homeopathy offers better results when compared to conventional treatment. The root cause of PCOS lies in the hormonal disturbance. Homeopathy corrects this hormonal disturbance and brings about harmony, without the risk of side-effects. It also helps to avoid the use of surgical procedures, while bringing about regularization of menstrual cycles, thereby increasing the chances of conception.

In a clinical study on a group of women suffering from PCOS, fitting the emotional picture of the homeopathic remedy Pulsatilla 30C, a majority of women had complete disappearance of PCOS symptoms, followed by the production of normal ovulating follicles (Source: Sanchez-Resendiz J, Guzman-Gomez F, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Boletin, Mexicano de Homeopatica). It is, however, imperative to take homeopathic treatment for polycystic ovarian syndrome from a professional homeopathic doctor for the best results.


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