Go nose-to-nose with respiratory allergy

Go nose-to-nose with respiratory allergy

Respiratory Allergy
June 18, 2019 , Last updated: August 8, 2024

The prevalence of allergies is increasing worldwide. Approximately 10-30% of the world’s adult population and up to 40% of children are affected by some type of allergy. Respiratory allergies are the most common allergies worldwide. Allergic Rhinitis affects about 5-50% of the population worldwide, among which 15-20 % suffer from a severe form of the disease. An allergy causes certain changes in the body's response to substances that are harmless in our environment. Other people may be able to tolerate these substances without any problem and your body may also have not reacted to them before. The common substances that can cause an allergic reaction include pollen, dust or mold. In addition, metals, cosmetics, perfumes, and pharmaceuticals can also cause an allergic reaction. To know which substances can trigger an allergic reaction, speak to our homeopathic expert.

Respiratory allergy – in a nutshell

Respiratory allergies occur when your immune system has a negative reaction to some sort of airborne substance such as dust. Although these substances are not really a danger to the body, antibodies from the immune system identify the allergen as a threat. This causes certain cells to release a chemical called histamine, which leads to an allergic reaction.

Common allergens for respiratory allergies are dust mites, animal dander, mold, spores, feathers or pollens. In some people, these can cause allergic rhinitis or allergic asthma.

Common Respiratory Allergy Conditions

Allergic rhinitis: It is a common and distressing inflammatory condition that affects the upper airways and the membranes of the nose and eyes. It is caused by an allergic reaction to an allergen. Conjunctivitis often accompanies this condition. In this case, it is known as allergic rhinoconjunctivitis. Moreover, this condition is also associated with asthma.

Symptoms: A blocked or running nose, sneezing, itching, and watery eyes, and inflamed eyelids. Symptoms may be seasonal (hay fever) or year-round.

Allergic asthma: A form of asthma caused by exposure of the bronchial mucosa to an inhaled airborne allergen. Asthma is a commonly occurring and potentially life-threatening illness where the respiratory airways become inflamed and swollen.

Symptoms: Shortness of breath, a tight chest, allergic cough and wheezing. These symptoms are associated with airflow and can be reversed with the right treatment.

Living with Respiratory allergy – Impact on Life

Respiratory allergies can have a severe impact on daily life. Almost 70% of allergic rhinitis patients feel that their condition limits their way of life. The symptoms are distressing and adversely affect the quality of life; they also result in low productivity at work or school.

A study showed that students with a history of allergic rhinitis who had allergy symptoms on any examination day were more than twice as likely to drop a grade. Due to the resulting irritability, tiredness, lack of concentration, sleep disturbances and daytime sleepiness. Allergic rhinitis could reduce short-term memory in children when compared with non-allergic children. It is also accepted that allergic rhinitis in children and its complications can lead to emotional distress (shame, loss of self-esteem), family problems (parent anxiety, overprotection, and hostility) and to an increased risk of depressive disorders.

Therefore, it is important to manage respiratory allergy symptoms to improve the patient’s quality of life and avoid the severity of allergic rhinitis.If left untreated, this condition can also turn into asthma disease.

To assess the current state of your allergies, you can also take our allergy evaluation test.

Allergy treatment in Homeopathy: Relieves the burden naturally

Homeopathy is a system of natural medicine that treats the total allergic symptoms – physical, mental and emotional.

To evaluate the efficacy and effectiveness of homeopathy in the treatment of respiratory allergies, the study published in Karger Journal, 2015 showed a positive result. It concluded that the homeopathic remedy leads to the relief of symptoms typical of allergic rhinitis and also improves the quality of life. Homeopathy offered a useful option in the treatment of children and adults.

Homeopathy treats the condition through the administration of minute doses of homeopathic remedies for allergies that would in a healthy person produce symptoms similar to those of the allergic response. For example, a severe allergic reaction to a bee sting is treated safely and effectively with Apis Mellifica, a homeopathic remedy, made from the honeybee. Put simply, homeopathy treats the allergy symptoms at three levels - skin, respiratory and gastrointestinal systems.

Homeopathic treatment also helps to calm down your overactive immune system so that the body does not throw up a ‘war’ after exposure to otherwise harmless substances. The homeopathic treatments are individualized to provide you with a long-term solution for allergies.

Respiratory Allergy Treatment at Dr Batra’s®

At Dr Batra's®,the homeopathic expert uses the medical science of homeopathy to plan an individualized treatment. Moreover, to increase your treatment outcome, our doctors also suggest healthy lifestyle changes and appropriate dietary advice.

To deliverthe best results, our team of allergy specialists have curated a series of comprehensive treatment solutions. These solutions are a combination of international diagnostics and homeopathy. For respiratory allergies, our latest launch of Dr Batra’s®Allergone is a scientifically proven treatment and non-steroidal homeopathic nebulizer. It can help you get quick relief without any side effects.

Dr Batra's®is a trusted name in treating all your health problems. Over the last 35 years,Dr Batra's®has successfully treated over 30 thousand patients with respiratory problems and has a success rate of 96.3% - as authenticated by the American Quality Assessors.You can consult our homeopathy experts for allergies treatment online or by booking an appointment: www.drbatras.com/book-an-appointment.

Can allergy be treated?

It can be challenging to control your exposure to allergens. However, the allergy symptoms can be controlled using a combination of measures and homeopathic treatment. Here are some tips to better manage respiratory problems:

  • Avoid allergens- Inhaling allergens like pollen, mold or dust can trigger a reaction. Keep your home and work areas clean. Use a HEPA filter for your air conditioners as it can help purify the air.

Eat healthily- Include at least one fresh vegetables or fruit to every meal. In particular, fruits like apples, oranges, grapes and tomatoes can help boost your immunity.

  • Stay hydrated- Warm fluids like tea, broth or soups can help thin the mucus in the nasal passages. It helps you breathe easier and get relief from allergy symptoms.

Also read: Scope of homeopathy in the treatment of allergy

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