Homeopathic medicines for indigestion

Homeopathic medicines for indigestion

Food Allergy
November 11, 2019 , Last updated: August 9, 2024

Indigestion problems are occasional problems but to some people, they are all too common. They suffer from indigestion problems such as heartburn, gases, vomiting now and then.

Medical care should be taken if you are having serious digestive pain or vomiting in excess. If left untreated, it may lead to poisoning.

Conventional medications which are usually prescribed for heartburn, indigestion, and gases, tend to cause rebound symptoms and may cause side-effects if taken for a long time.

So, is there any safer alternative for treating indigestion problems?

You can take the help of homeopathy to relieve indigestion symptoms. Homeopathy gives constitutional medicines that are based on a person’s totality of symptoms considering the personal history and personality type. Proper homoeopathic care will not only relieve acute symptoms but will also prevent relapse of complaints in the future.

Homeopathy also helps in reducing your body’s sensitivity towards allergens so that you can have your favorite foods without any doubt or suspicion in mind. Homoeopathic remedies strengthen a person’s digestive system, treat food allergies and improve the elimination of foods and toxins. But this is possible only with proper homoeopathic constitutional medicines so avoid self-medication if you have recurrent digestive disturbances.

Some commonly used homoeopathic medicines for indigestion are:

  • Carbo veg

This homeopathic remedy helps relieve bloating and gas in the stomach with belching.

  • Lycopodium

This homeopathic remedy helps relieve discomfort and indigestion with bloating around the waist.

  • Natrum carbonicum

This homeopathic remedy is prescribed to people who have trouble digesting and assimilating food and have to restrict their diet. Milk or dairy products can lead to flatulence or indigestion, and cause sickness.

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  • Pulsatilla

This homeopathic remedy is prescribed to people who suffer from gastric discomfort caused by eating too much fatty food, cakes, and ice-cream with bloating, belching and slow digestion.

  • Antimonium crudum

This homeopathic remedy helps relieve indigestion from eating too much especially acidic foods.

  • Arsenicum album

This homeopathic remedy is prescribed to an individual who feels anxious, restless and his condition gets worse from just the smell and sight of food. The individual feels burning pain in the stomach which is relieved by warmth. Indigestion usually happens after eating spoiled food.

  • Cina

This homeopathic remedy helps relieve bloating of abdomen and foul smelling gas.

  • Magnesia phosphoric

This homeopathic remedy helps relieve abdominal cramps which get better by heat and bending.

  • Phosphorous

This homeopathic remedy is prescribed to an individual when he/she experiences burning pain in stomach that feels better from eating ice-cream or other cold foods. The individual feels the thirst for cold drinks.

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  • Aconitum

This remedy helps relieve digestive problems that occur during very hot weather and are caused by drinking ice cold drinks. Abdomen feels sensitive to touch.

  • Aethusa

This remedy is suggested when children are unable to digest milk, leading to colic, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

  • Chamomilla

This homeopathic remedy is suggested when children suffer from digestive problems alongwith temper issues. They are extremely irritable and tend to have green, foul smelling stools or diarrhea.

  • Ipecac

This remedy is suggested when there is persistent nausea and vomiting. Patients have clean tongue despite of indigestion.

  • Iris

This remedy suits individuals who suffer from headache with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

  • Nux vomica

This homeopathic remedy is prescribed to individuals who suffer from digestive upset after prolonged mental or emotional stress or after overindulging in food, alcohol, or drugs. Individuals tend to have heart burn, bloating, gases, constipation with constant ineffectual urges for stool. They may feel irritable and have headache associated with digestive disturbances.

These are just a few examples of medicines used for indigestion. You need to take proper homeopathic consultation from a qualified homeopath who will give you medicines after studying your case in detail. You will get complete relief only when you take appropriate remedy based on symptom totality which only a homeopath can understand. So, avoid self-medication and visit a qualified homeopathic doctor for proper treatment.

You can consult our expert homeopaths to get a safe, effective, and long-lasting treatment for indigestion by booking an appointment at https://www.drbatras.com/book-an-appointment

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