How to get your body back on track after pregnancy?

How to get your body back on track after pregnancy?

Female Infertility
September 26, 2019 , Last updated: July 17, 2024

There occur many changes to your body when you are pregnant. Gaining weight is one of them. If you are worried about your body weight, here are some healthy tips to get your body back on track after pregnancy.

  • Know your nutrient needs

If you have just had a baby, nutrients that are vitally important are calcium, iron, protein, Vitamin C and Vitamin D. Calcium and Vitamin D are vital for your bone health. Iron will help with anemia. Vitamin C is necessary for iron absorption. Protein is crucial for building and repairing your tissues.

  • Choose well-balanced and healthy snacks

Eating too much sugar can send your blood sugar levels on a roller-coaster ride, and when your blood sugar drops, you are more likely to eat the first thing you can get your hands on. In order to avoid temptation, keep only nutritious foods at your fingertips.

  • Choose nutrient-rich foods

Avoid empty-calorie foods completely like sodas and chips. In its place, fill your diet with a variety of nutrient-rich meals containing protein, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and low-fat dairy products. Make a conscious effort to include healthy fats such as nuts, nut butter, and olive oil in your meals. Omega-3s that are the healthy fats found in salmon and walnut decrease abdominal fat.

  • Choose foods high in water

Foods with high water content like fruits, veggies, soups, teas fill you up with fewer calories. Water adds weight and volume without adding calories. It lowers the calorie density of foods. If you have soup before a meal then you eat significantly less. Also, warm foods are more filling than cold. So, drink a hot cup of tea or coffee between meals.

  • Get up and move

After having a baby, you must be sleep-deprived and overwhelmed to even think about exercise. You can take baby steps like start walking around your building block. If it feels good, walk a little farther the next day. You can also take the stairs instead of using a lift.

  • Avoid added sugar and refined carbs

Sugar and refined carbs are high in calories and usually low in nutrients. Therefore, a high intake of added sugar and refined carbs is associated with an increase in weight.

  • Take naps

A lack of sleep can negatively affect your weight. It is related to retaining more weight after pregnancy. For new mothers, getting enough sleep can be a challenge.

  • Drink plenty of water

Water is an important factor for anyone who is trying to lose weight. Drinking a lot of water will keep you hydrated and boost your metabolism. If you are breastfeeding, your body will spend extra water producing milk. So it is very much important to drink plenty of water.

  • Reach out for help

Being a new mother can be a daunting role and a lot of work. Sleep deprivation and stress can be overwhelming. And you can experience postpartum depression. While achieving a healthy weight after pregnancy is important, it should not add excessive stress and anxiety. If you have implemented healthy changes to your lifestyle and you are still not losing weight, it might be time to seek professional help.

Read More: Weight Loss Post Pregnancy Was Like Battling a War


Getting your body back on track after pregnancy is beneficial for your health and future pregnancies. If you are feeling depressed or anxious, or you are simply struggling to cope, it is better to book an appointment. Keep in mind that your hormone levels change during pregnancy and after childbirth. So, your homeopath will be able to prescribe you homeopathic medicine if they consider that a hormonal problem might be causing your weight issues.

Read More: Homeopathy and pregnancy go hand in hand

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