Infertility amongst women, myths busted.

Infertility amongst women, myths busted.

November 19, 2019 , Last updated: August 9, 2024

Female infertility affects approximately 10% of the population and spans all socioeconomic, racial, ethnic, and religious groups, so chances are you know someone who has or is facing it. You might be finding yourself coping with the difficult medical and emotional aspects of female infertility, or you might struggle to understand how to be helpful to a close friend or family member on their journey. Read on to know the common female infertility myths.

  • Infertility is a woman’s problem

After several months of trying to conceive, most couples assume that there is something wrong with the woman in the relationship. Family and friends also tend to believe that the female cannot get pregnant and that there must be a problem. The truth is approximately 40% of infertility problems are attributed to the female partner, 40% attributed to the male partner, and 20% are caused by a combination of problems in both partners. Regardless of the diagnosis or condition, neither partner is to blame. Infertility is an uncontrollable medical condition, much like poor eyesight or asthma.

  • Female fertility is not affected until their late 30s or early 40s.

It is observed that a female's fertility starts to decline at age 27. Most females of this age can still get pregnant, of course, but it might take a few more months of trying. But you should know that by the time you reach 35, your chances of getting pregnant during any particular attempt are about half of what you were between the ages of 19 and 26.

  • Foods affect female fertility

Absolutely not true! Some have proposed that consuming more or less soy affects female fertility because of its phytoestrogens. But you should know that eating specific foods won’t have any effect on your fertility.

  • Infertility is a psychological problem

Some people may suggest that you “stop worrying so much and you’ll get pregnant” or “it’s all in your head.” While your family and friends are often well-meaning and want to be helpful, infertility is not a psychological disorder. Infertility is a medical problem affecting the reproductive system and as such needs to be treated appropriately. The complicated range of stress and emotions experienced are a result of infertility, not the female infertility causes.

  • You’ll never recover from female infertility

Infertility is viewed as a life crisis and can affect all areas of your life. Some of the common reactions are a sense of failure, social isolation, discomfort in discussing the issue with family and friends, avoidance of social situations for fear of seeing pregnant women or families, loss of self-esteem, and letting go of initial dreams or expectations. Many people facing infertility believe that no one will understand what they are going through. Although it is one of the most challenging things you may face, recovering from infertility is a process. There are many paths to take in regards to your medical treatments and family building options. Book an appointment with your homeopath if you have been unable to conceive a child after a year of regular intercourse.

Female infertility treatment

At Dr Batra’s®, they take the holistic, multi-factorial approach to find out the root cause of infertility and also understand lifestyle patterns that might be responsible for infertility in either one or both partners. They monitor underlying diseases such as diabetes, blood pressure and depression. Natural homeopathic medicines are recommended to help cope with stress and improve general health.

Read More: Female Infertility: How homeopathy can help?


If you're struggling with infertility, you undoubtedly have many questions of your own and maybe even a few misconceptions. Schedule an appointment with a homeopath and find out where you stand. Thanks to homeopathy, many infertile couples become parents and that's no myth!

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