Irritable bowel movement? Let homeopathy treat it.

Irritable bowel movement? Let homeopathy treat it.

November 19, 2019 , Last updated: August 13, 2024

Tummy ache is one of the most commonly seen problems. Well, you should know that this might be due to irritable bowel syndrome. Read on to know more.

Nature of the condition

Irritable bowel syndrome is a very common condition affecting as many as 20% of the population, with more females suffering than males. It is mostly concentrated in the 20 to 40 year age group but you should know that it can occur at all ages. It is a cluster of symptoms rather than a pathological disease. Moreover, it is assumed to be due to disordered bowel motility, or possibly increased sensitivity to gut sensation, which in turn may be due to a variety of factors. These might include stress, food intolerance or the after-effects of a tummy bug. Sometimes the condition seems to be a consequence of simple constipation or a change in the diet all of a sudden.

The bowel might also react to emotional states such as anger or anxiety. Such reactions seem to be particularly possible in those who find it difficult to share their feelings with others, expressing mental distress through physical symptoms.

Food sensitivities or intolerances can cause Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms as opposed to a true food allergy which occurs rapidly after ingesting very small quantities of the food concerned, for instance, peanuts or shellfish. Abnormal fermentation in the colon, following antibiotic usage, can also cause Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms.

Different types of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is classified according to which symptoms are the most frequent. Several classifications exist. The following are the different types of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

  • Spastic colon: This type of irritable bowel syndrome is most often characterized by constipation and abdominal pain. Also, this is most often left-sided and relieved by opening the bowels. This might be associated instead with diarrhea.
  • Functional diarrhea: This type of irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by attacks of diarrhea, mostly in the mornings. The first bowel movement is typically formed, followed by a rush of mushy or watery motions. These might be explosive and sufferers are often toilet-bound for long periods of time.
  • Foregut dysmotility: This type of irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by abdominal bloating and discomfort frequently eating. Visible stomach enlargement is often a problem and pain is more often experienced on the right side.
  • Extra-bowel manifestations: Irritable bowel syndrome sufferers often have other symptoms including lethargy, backache, urinary symptoms like irritable bladder, pelvic pain and migraine.

Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

Listed below are the most common symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

  • Abdominal pain associated with defecation.
  • The irregular pattern of defecation for at least two days a week.
  • Altered stool frequency.
  • Altered stool form like hard or loose.
  • Altered stool passage.
  • Bloating or feeling of abdominal distension.

Read More: How to calm an anxious stomach

When to book an appointment

Make sure to book an appointment with your homeopath as soon as you notice the listed below warning symptoms that need immediate investigation.

  • Change in bowel habit
  • Passing blood per rectum
  • Weight loss
  • Constant abdominal pain

Treatment for irritable bowel syndrome

You should know that irritable bowel syndrome is not managed well with conventional treatment. Characteristic relief can be obtained with smooth muscle relaxants. Nevertheless, none of the conventional managements addresses the problem as a whole – they just single out one symptom at a time to treat. This is where homeopathy treatment comes into the picture.

Homeopathy is really a holistic form of treatment, addressing not only the bowel symptoms but also the psyche and the other extra-bowel symptoms that may be present. Irritable bowel syndrome can be treated with homeopathic medicine according to the underlying problems. Abdominal pains and bowel problems accompanied by tension, astringent sensations, chilliness, and irritability can show a need for homeopathic remedy.


It is strongly advised to visit your nearest homeopathy clinic as soon as you notice symptoms.

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