Female Infertility
October 14, 2019 , Last updated: July 15, 2024

It has been widely publicized that motherhood is a life changing experience for any woman. But the understated fact is that not experiencing motherhood biologically or female infertility is also a life-altering event for them. Infertility can be defined as the inability to conceive after trying (sexual intercourse) without contraception for more than a year.

It is estimated that 60 to 80 million couples worldwide currently suffer from infertility (WHO) and in India some 27.5 million couples who want to conceive suffer from infertility (research conducted by Inito, a Bangalore-based medical technology company).

Female infertility can be broadly categorized into:

  1. Primary Infertility in women: It is a condition in which the woman has not been able to conceive even once.
  2. Secondary Infertility in women: It is a condition in which the woman has been able to conceive once but unable to conceive after that.

The causes of infertility in women can be classified as:

  1. Lifestyle Causes
    1. Age: With age the quality of a woman’s eggs begin to fall and after mid 30’s the chances of conceiving reduce by 30% than in the 20’s.
    2. Smoking: Cigarette smoke has a lot of harmful chemicals that affect the quality of eggs in women and sperms in men.
    3. Alcohol: It is unclear to what extent alcohol consumption affects conception but it is advisable to steer clear of it.
    4. Weight: Being overweight or underweight affects the ovulation and hence fertility.
  2. Clinical Causes
    1. PCOS: In Polycystic Ovary Syndrome the follicles produced during ovulation fail to ripen and in turn form little cysts in the ovary which can lead to low fertility to infertility in women. PCOS is one of the most common causes of infertility in women.
    2. Endometriosis: It is a condition when the lining of the uterus is on the outside of the uterus. This can lead to blockage and eventually create a roadblock in conceiving. It mainly affects women in their 30s to 40s.
    3. Damage To Fallopian Tubes: Fallopian tubes carry the eggs from the ovaries to the uterus and sometimes due to reasons such as endometriosis, pelvic surgery, pelvic tuberculosis the tubes get damaged or blocked.
    4. Cervical Issues: Some cervical problems like tumors, cervical stenosis etc. prevents the sperm from passing to the cervical canal, which leads to infertility.
    5. Unexplained Infertility: Sometime the reason for infertility can’t be pinned down and a combination of small problems can lead to infertility. Roughly some 15% couples suffer from unexplained infertility.

Homeopathy Can Help

According to a clinical trial by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, it had been observed that homeopathy can successfully improve the fertility rate and eventually help in successful conception. Homeopathy uses natural means for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome treatment and to treat other causes of infertility at the root without any side-effects.

Dr Batra’s® has successfully treated patients with infertility with a success rate of 94% as authenticated by the American Quality Assessors.

Book an appointment at https://www.drbatras.com/book-an-appointment now and get one step closer to experiencing the joy of being a bearer of life!

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