Lichen planus causes - Do not allow it to grow on you.

Lichen planus causes - Do not allow it to grow on you.

Lichen Planus
September 21, 2019 , Last updated: July 18, 2024

Lichen planus is a common disease that causes swelling and irritation on your skin or inside your mouth. Read on to know more about lichen planus causes, symptoms, preventive tips and how to treat this skin condition.

Lichen planus causes

Listed below are some of the commonly cited lichen planus causes.

  • Hepatitis C which is a virus that attacks your liver.
  • Intake of certain medicines to treat high blood pressure.
  • Auto-immune diseases in which the body's protective cells attack your mouth and skin cells by mistake.
  • Intense and prolonged emotional stress due to grief and anxiety.
  • Inheritance.
  • Amalgam dental fillings might trigger allergic reactions, giving rise to oral lesions of lichen planus.

Lichen planus symptoms

Lichen planus symptoms depend on the part or parts of your body affected. Common symptoms include the following.

  • Skin:

    The most common symptoms are red or purple bumps. These bumps are firm and may itch a little or a lot; you may have just a few or many of them. Fine white lines or scales might accompany the bumps. They can occur anywhere but are most common on your wrists, arms, back, and ankles. Thick scaly patches may appear on your shins and ankles. Occasionally, bumps on your skin might appear in an area where your skin has been scratched or burned. Dark skin patches might replace skin bumps that fade. These patches usually fade away after many months.
  • Mouth:

    Lichen planus inside your mouth looks like patches of tiny white dots. These patches might occur on the inside of your cheeks or on your tongue. They might not cause any other symptoms; in severe cases, redness and sores develop.
  • Nails:

    Lichen planus might appear on a few, or all, of your fingernails and toenails. Thinning, splitting, and nail loss are signs of this skin condition.
  • Scalp:

    Redness, irritation, and tiny bumps might form on your scalp. In some cases, hair might start to thin and patches of hair loss might occur.

The skin eruptions of lichen planus tend to involve inside of the wrists, ankles, lower back, scalp, nails, and mucous membranes that line the mouth, nose, genitals and anus. The onset of eruptions can be sudden or gradual and they show the following features.

  • Small clusters of flat-topped eruptions
  • Violet colour of rashes; the colour may vary from purple to pink to red
  • Itching which might vary from mild to severe
  • New eruptions might appear at the sites of minor skin injury
  • Thick, reddish-brown lesions

Oral lichen planus involves the following.

  • Small, pale, raised areas that form a lacy network on the inside of the cheeks, rarely involving the tongue
  • Tenderness and burning pain, especially while having spicy foods
  • Blunted-taste sensation
  • Painful, recurrent ulcers in the mouth

Preventive tips

Listed below are some of the preventive tips you can take to keep lichen planus from getting worse.

  • Avoid injuries to your skin
  • Apply cool compresses instead of scratching
  • Limit the stress in your life
  • Stop smoking
  • Avoid alcohol
  • Maintain good oral hygiene
  • Avoid any foods that seem to irritate your mouth.

Homeopathy treatment

Homeopathy has proven its effectiveness in the treatment of lichen planus. At Dr Batra’s®, they have the experience of treating more than 10,000 cases of lichen planus in their 35 years of practice. Today, they are in a position to offer significant relief to their patients with the help of homeopathy. Homeopathic medicine targets the altered immunity of the body and brings it back to normalcy over a period of time. Homeopathy treatment helps in the resolution of existing lesions, reduces itching and controls the further spread of lesions. Homeopathy treatment tends to give lasting relief to patients. Moreover, homeopathic medicines are safe, free from side effects and non-habit forming.

Read More: Freedom from lesions of Lichen Planus with Homeopathy


You can take the skin evaluation test in order to assess the current state of your problem. It is recommended to book an appointment and visit your nearest homeopathy clinic as soon as you notice lichen planus symptoms.

Watch this video to know why Vasudev turned to homeopathy for lichen planus.

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