Lichen Planus & Depression — What's the Connection?

Lichen Planus & Depression — What's the Connection

Lichen Planus
January 22, 2021 , Last updated: July 17, 2024

Lichen planus is a skin disease that occurs in episodes lasting from months to years. Lichen planus can be a reaction to various provoking factors, including, stress, genetics, infections (viral hepatitis C) and autoimmune skin diseases. There are allergic reactions or medications of high blood pressure, heart disease and arthritis that may cause lichen planus. There is also an inherited form of lichen planus, which is often more severe and can have a protracted course of time.

Lichen planus appears as bumps or skin lesions on the body. These lesions typically appear on the inner wrists, legs, torso or genitals. Another common location where lichen planus develops is in the mouth. Lichen planus can be on the gums, cheeks, lips or tongue. Quite often the outbreaks of lichen planus in the mouth can be very painful. Lichen planus that appears on the skin is reddish-purple in colour. These lesions can appear as fine white lines and dots, which may grow over a period of time. Lichen planus can be painful and itchy, and can form blisters as well. You may also get lichen planus on your nails or scalp. When it appears on your nails, it may result in grooves or splits, or you may even lose your nail. Lichen planus on your scalp can result in scarring hair loss.

According to a research study by The American Osteopathic College of Dermatology (AOCD), 20 percent of the time, lichen planus that appears on the skin requires no treatment. However, in many cases the itching can be constant and intense. This skin disease occurs most often in men and women, between the ages of 30 to 70 years. All racial groups seem to be susceptible to lichen planus.

Read about the frequently asked questions on lichen planus:

Mind – Body Relationship in Skin Diseases

The skin is the largest organ of a body. The ways in which skin can react both to the physiological and psychological stimuli highlights the relationship between the skin and external or internal factors. Skin disorders such as, lichen planus, psoriasis or vitiligo are often visible; hence, definitely, it has a deep psychological impact on those who are affected. Moreover, how an individual copes and adapts to the skin conditions, depends on various factors, such as the personality, family and social network. Hence, understanding the psyche and also finding the influence of skin diseases on a patient is very essential.

There are two types of interrelated characteristics, physical (size, weight, shape and colour) and emotional (consciousness, beliefs and desires) in human beings. ‘Skin-to-skin’ connection between ‘a mother and her baby’ or ‘blushing when shy’ can describe such interrelationships. Additionally, our immune system in the skin is regulated by stress and depression, demonstrating a mind–body relationship.

Exposure to excessive stress and depression in skin patients can aggravate lichen planus. Individuals with psychological morbidity due to lichen planus or other skin diseases develop a feeling of inferiority due to visible changes in their skin appearance. This may further develop towards suicidal thoughts and depression. According to a research study by The Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry (INDJSP), the high prevalence of psychiatric disorders of around 10.70% is present among patients with skin disorders like lichen planus.

The uncertain allergic etiology and changing severity can make the patients uncomfortable, and they start avoiding get-togethers or events, which eventually affects their Quality of Life (QoL). The myths surrounding the lack of hygiene and infection, influences others to act negatively towards the patient. This generates a feeling of profound stigma which, in turn, makes the patient socially crippled.

Impact on Self esteem

The appearance of lichen planus pigmentosus can have a direct impact on the patient’s self-esteem. They may become self-conscious, if the lichen planus flares up in body areas that are exposed or visible. In lichen planus where skin lesions are present over genitalia, it leads to fear of rejection from a partner and loss of sexual intimacy. An emotional vulnerability and insecurity develop which reduces self-confidence and interpersonal communication.

Also read:

Lichen Planus & Depression — What's the Connection?

Depression Symptoms

Everyone experiences depression in a different manner. Some common symptoms include:

  • Irritability
  • Exhaustion or fatigue
  • Difficulty in sleeping or insomnia
  • Changes in appetite
  • Loss of interest in sex or sexual dysfunction
  • Weight loss or obesity
  • Feelings of incompetence and worthlessness
  • Destructive or suicidal thoughts
  • Inability to feel joy in activities that used to bring pleasure
  • Intense sadness
  • Frequent crying
  • Headache
  • Unexplained body pain or muscle cramps

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, consult a healthcare professional or a psychiatrist. Talk to your skin doctor to see if a change in your skin therapy plan can help control lichen planus. Finding the right medication to improve your lichen planus symptoms may in turn help to combat depression. If you continuously manage your skin problems; you can overcome depression.

Homeopathy Treatment for Lichen Planus

Lichen planus skin disease can become painful, stubborn and frustrating without proper skin treatment. Since lichen planus homeopathy treatment targets the psycho-somatic nature of this skin disorder, it treats not only the body, but also the mind, thus giving long-lasting results. Lichen planus is a progressive and chronic skin condition which has no specific cause; hence, it requires constitutional and holistic treatment. Homeopathy is highly beneficial for oral lichen planus, lichen planopilaris (scarring hair loss) and lichen planus pigmentosus, where the focus is to control the spread of the skin disease with reduction in the skin lesions.

One should consider homeopathic medicines when lichen planus is detected at an earlier stage and not interfered by other conventional medications. Homeopathic medicines target the altered immunity of the body and bring it back to normalcy, over a period of time. Homeopathic medicines have proven efficacy in the treatment of lichen planus. At Dr Batra’s®, we have successfully treated more than 1.41 lakh skin patients, including lichen planus patients—at a 94.3%success rate, as authenticated by the American Quality Assessors. Book an appointment with us at to get safe, effective and holistic homeopathy treatment for lichen planus.

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