August 27, 2019 , Last updated: October 7, 2024

Menopause - a normal phase of life. It is the time for your last menstrual period. You may notice changes in your body before and after menopause due to hormonal imbalance. The experience is different for each woman.

No big deal, right?

Well for many, it can be. And homeopathy can help them naturally.

Menopause is a part of ageing that usually occurs between 45 and 55 years of age, as a woman's oestrogen levels decline. Homeopathy will be very effective in the treatment of symptoms of menopause and symptoms of perimenopause.

Homeopathy and Menopause

Homeopathy is a truly holistic medicine and safest mode of treatment which help in any ailment without any side effects. If a woman consults a homeopath with symptoms of menopause like hot flushes only – the homeopath will still try to understand the person as a whole, and not just prescribe a remedy for the hot flushes. This is called a constitutional remedy. If medicine is prescribed in this way, the overall imbalance will be treated, the woman’s hot flushes will be better along with her overall health.

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What are the symptoms most women experience?

  • Hot flushes:

    The most common symptoms of menopause include hot flushes with 80% of all women reporting them. Hot flushes mean a sudden, brief, periodic increase in body temperature, sweating and in some cases an increase in heart rate and palpitations.

The other symptoms experienced are night sweats, bladder prob­lems such as urinary infections, depressed mood, reduced sex drive, for­getfulness and reduced concentration. The symptoms will mostly last for two to three years, starting with an irreg­ularity in periods and ends with the stoppage of periods completely.

  • Feeling low:

    This symptom is all too common for some women in menopause and may not be helped by a slightly dominant partner who may not understand or have patience with their symptoms. Then there is a marked depression and tearfulness which the partner can be irri­tated by and the whole relationship becomes stressful. The woman often feels isolated and cuts herself off socially, withdrawing psychologically. Her fam­ily can find her taking less interest in her appearance which is a typ­ical symptom of clinical depression. She feels worn out and sex drive is reduced. She may no longer find her partner attractive. For severe symptoms, we can recommend medicines like Sepia for symptom relief.
  • Night sweats:

    One of the most difficult symptoms is the profuse sweating at night and it is in this situation we can recommend Lachesis. This is a remedy often asso­ciated with sexual jealousy and a pas­sionate nature but even the mildest woman can be helped by this medicine, particularly if her remaining menopausal symptoms have settled.
  • Bladder problems:

    There are numerous medications for bladder problems, including Causticum, Staphisagria, Berberis and Sarsparilla can be used for frequency of urinating, associated with vaginal dry­ness due to low oestrogen levels. This is the reason for recurrent urine infections and difficul­ties with sexual intercourse at the menopause.

The Problem With HRT

The main reason is research showing that HRT could increase the risks of having a heart attack or stroke. After stopping of HRT suddenly majority of women can land right back into the menopause symptoms which they were trying to escape from.

Homeopathy can help make this life transition far more comfortable and peaceful without any side effects. There are sev­eral homeopathic medicines which can be effective at relieving symptoms of menopause.

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The best way to understand whether a woman is going through menopause or not is to lis­ten to her and to look at her as a whole which is the holistic approach in homeopathy. A woman will need at this point in her life reassurance that her symptoms are normal and that she is not having any mental illness.

One thing that I would like to emphasize is that menopause is just a normal stage in every woman’s life, as difficult or as easy as it might be for an individ­ual. A daily dietary intake of vitamin D and of cal­cium is recommended to prevent osteo­porosis. This can be obtained either through eating oily fish two to three times a week and drinking milk or through nutri­tional supplements. Alcohol and caf­feinated drinks can worsen flushing and irritate bladder function so a reduced intake is advised.

Lifestyle changes like yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, regular walking and dietary changes can help tremendously in coping with menopause.

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