Migraine without pain? Yes it can happen and it is called an ocular migraine

Migraine without pain? Yes it can happen and it is called an ocular migraine


Have you been seeing flashing or shimmering lights in front of your eyes or blind spots or zigzagging lines or a psychedelic pattern? Well, you could be experiencing something called an aura of migraine.

Sounds different right? That’s because these are not symptoms of the migraine that we know of. This could be the beginning of an ocular migraine or retinal migraine.

The term Migraine brings to our mind severe headache with or without its aura of nausea, vomiting, weakness, tiredness and a bunch of symptoms that usually do not get relieved without painkillers and could last for hours or days. Patients come up with symptoms every few months that last for few hours to days.

But there are painless migraines too. And they are called Ocular (eye) Migraines.

What is Ocular (Eye) Migraine?

Ocular migraine is predominantly associated with temporary visual disturbances with or without a headache and is called so as they involve migraine processes related to the constriction of the blood vessels supplying areas of the brain namely visual cortex, leading to reduced blood flow to the eye causing visual disturbances.

\Afterwards the blood vessels relax, restoring the blood flow and the sight returns.

The symptoms are usually seen in one eye and involve partial or total loss of vision starting 20-30 minutes before the attack and may or may or may not be accompanied by headaches.

Though there is no permanent damage to the eye and vision goes back to normal, these episodes can be frightening.

What really brings it on?

Whilst there is no exact causative factor for it, Ocular migraines can be triggered by factors such as strong odors, bright light, loud sounds, stress, anxiety, changing weather, alcoholic beverages, smoking, high blood pressure, fluctuating sugar levels, hormonal birth control pills, artificial sweeteners, although it does vary from person to person.

Who are usually affected by it?

It often occurs more in women, people around 40 yrs, more often having a genetic history of migraine or other headaches.


Ocular migraine is a temporary condition and it is treated by painkiller for pain relief. Reducing exposure to the triggering factors also help in relief of symptoms.

In severe cases doctors may also prescribe aspirin (to reduce pain and inflammation), anti hypertensive medications to reduce constriction of vessels and to relax them, or anti depressants to relieve stress.

Alternative therapies like homoeopathy offer safe and effective management of Ocular Migraine.

Stress being an important trigger factor, lifestyle changes play a very important role in managing ocular migraine. Indulging in yoga, meditation or a hobby of choice helps alleviate stress.

A healthy diet free from preservatives, excessive oils, spices has been shown to help. Refraining from alcohol, caffeine beverages also help in reducing episodes of Ocular migraine.

Although a temporary condition it is something that shouldn’t escape attention.

So the next time you find yourself seeing stars out of the blue, guess it’s time to see your doctor.  

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