Need a cure for your embarrassing itch? Try homeopathy for piles

Need a cure for your embarrassing itch Try homeopathy for piles

October 23, 2020 , Last updated: December 9, 2024

Worldwide, the overall prevalence of hemorrhoids in the general population is estimated to be 4.4%. (Source: News Medical) Do you always get an itchy feeling in the anus? Well, it might be due to hemorrhoids. Its common name is piles.

Piles are the swelling of veins situated around the inner part of the anus. These veins may swell when they are irritated by the passing of stools. Due to embarrassment, most piles of patients suffer in silence instead of seeking medical help. Let’s understand piles disease better.

Types of piles

  • Internal piles:

    It lies inside the rectum.

  • External piles:

    It affects the veins outside the anus.

Grades of piles

  • Grade I:

    Small swellings develop inside the lining of the anal canal.


  • Grade II:

    Remains inside the anus and is larger than grade I piles.


  • Grade III:

    Also known as prolapsed hemorrhoids that appear outside the anus.


  • Grade IV:

    It is severe and hangs on the outside of the anal canal.

Symptoms of piles

  • Pain:

    It is the most common symptom of external piles. This can get worse while straining to pass stools.


  • Itching:

    Itching around the anal orifice along with mucous discharge.


  • Bleeding:

    It is one of the earliest symptoms of piles. It may occur during, before, or after passing stools.


  • Unsatisfactory evacuation:

    Piles patients often feel that they have not been able to evacuate their bowels completely.


Need a cure for your embarrassing itch? Try homeopathy for piles


Causes of piles

Enlargement of the veins around the anus causes piles and this might occur for the following reasons:

  • Chronic constipation:

    When you’re constipated, you tend to exert pressure to empty the bowels. Gradually, the pressure affects the blood vessels in and around the anus. This might lead to piles of disease.


  • Pregnancy:

    They occur unremarkably in pregnant ladies. As the uterus enlarges, it presses on the vein in the colon, which causes it to bulge.


  • Lack of movement for hours:

    If you have a mentally straining job where you are confined to a desk all day, the pressure builds up due to long sitting hours. This abdominal pressure causes piles to occur.


  • Genetics:

    Some individuals inherit an inclination to develop piles.

You might also want to read on: Foods to Avoid When Suffering from Piles

Piles treatment in homeopathy

Homeopathy is highly recommended for the management of piles and its symptoms of pain, bleeding, itching, and so on. Homeopathic treatment for piles permanently treats the disease without surgical intervention. Homeopathy aims to treat the problem internally by understanding the cause of different symptoms instead of suppressing them. Every individual is treated according to one’s specific symptoms. For instance, for a person dealing with piles with painful defecation, one homeopathic medicine is prescribed. In case a person suffering from piles complains of bleeding along with stools, another homeopathic medicine is prescribed. Homeopathic medicines for piles are made from natural substances and are, therefore, safe from any side-effects.

To evaluate the role of individualized homeopathic treatment in hemorrhoids, an observational study was conducted among 50 patients of the age group 20-60 years over a period of 6 months. After 3 months, the results were as follows:

  • Reduction of bleeding in 34 patients (68%)
  • Reduction of pain in 24 patients (48%)
  • Reduction of itching in 25patients (50%)

(Source: International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences)

Case Study

Let’s see Rashmi’s experience.

‘Over the past four years, the symptoms of piles have become worse for me. I have been using creams prescribed by the doctor to reduce the discomfort but it had no effect on the bleeding. By chance, I happened to see an advertisement of Dr Batra’s which said homeopathy offers safe, effective, and natural treatment for all health issues. It sounded too good to be true but I thought at this point, it was worth a try.

I visited Dr Batra’s clinic for the consultation and I felt totally at ease. The doctor fully understood my predicament. He found I had grade III piles. He asked me a couple of questions regarding my health history, family health history, diet, medication, and lifestyle, and recommended customized homeopathic remedies for piles. Besides treatment, he also suggested few dietary and lifestyle changes and I am glad I followed his advice.

The treatment has been highly successful without any further prolapse or discharge and I am back to normal, or as normal as I can be! I was told that I had to take better care of my health so that I live a normal healthy and happy life. I have had no pain, discomfort, or bleeding after taking homeopathy treatment for piles.’

Book an appointment with our homeopathic specialists to find long-lasting relief from embarrassing itch due to piles.

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