Piles & Homeopathy

November 22, 2017 , Last updated: July 1, 2024

Piles, or haemorrhoids, are abnormally inflamed or engorged blood vessels in the anus. It can, at times, cause great pain and discomfort to the individual.

  • Bad lifestyle and food habits are the most common causes of piles
  • Other causes include stress, bad bowel habits, pregnancy and childbirth
  • When one does not attend to piles promptly, it can lead to bleeding and prolapse of the engorged veins
  • When piles are retracted, bleeding can be a dangerous situation, leading to shock
  • Sometimes, strangulation of piles can also occur. This is associated with severe pain
  • Other notable complications include thrombosis [blood clot], ulceration and uncommonly gangrene, or tissue death. There may also be fibrosis [excess tissue] as well as discharge of pus.


Pain is common in external piles [felt from outside] — this can get worse while straining to pass stools. Bleeding may also come in splashes, while ‘pressing’ for stools. Bleeding may be profuse in some cases. In such instances, the swelling can be felt around the anal opening.

In case of internal piles, it cannot be felt initially.

When the disorder progresses, the piles may protrude. There may be discharge of mucous with itching around the anal orifice.

There is also more to piles than pain and discomfort.

Homeopathy is recommended for the management of piles and its symptoms of pain, bleeding, itching and so on, especially in the early stages. It provides relief safely, minus the side-effects or invasive procedures like surgery.

Homeopathic treatment for piles depends on the stage, or grade, of the condition. Grade 1 and 2 can be significantly helped with homeopathy. In Grade 3 piles, symptoms can be relieved, but the condition may not be fully resolved. In Grade 4 piles, there may, at best, be symptomatic relief with homeopathy. Surgery should considered — in such cases, more so when symptoms are unbearable and persistent.


  • A sitz bath is most useful. It is recommended three times a day, for 15 minutes, more so after each bowel movement
  • Sit in a few inches of warm water in a tub; this helps to reduce swelling and pain
  • Make sure to keep the skin dry around your anus, so it doesn’t rub and get ragged.
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