Scope Of Medicine In Treating Hereditary Obesity Without Surgery

Scope Of Medicine In Treating Hereditary Obesity Without Surgery

August 27, 2019 , Last updated: October 4, 2024

Obesity is a medical condition that occurs when you carry excess weight or body fat that might affect your health leading to reduction in life expectancy and increase in health problems.

Weight gain and obesity are controlled by genes but we can control it by diet and conscious changes in our lifestyle.

Treatment for obesity includes lifestyle changes. These changes mean cutting back on calories, following a healthy eating plan, being physically active, and making behavioral changes. When lifestyle changes aren’t enough, other treatment options for some people are weight loss medicines and surgery. Surgery is performed only where all other methods to lose weight fail.

Homeopathic medicines can help you lose weight by improving digestion, elimination, and metabolism. But the medicines need to be individually prescribed, based on your own unique pattern of symptoms. Homoeopathy is very proficient in managing all the symptoms and causes of obesity (weight loss) and furthermore plays a vital role in preventing relapse of the condition. Homeopathic medicines are prescribed on the basis of physical, emotional, and genetic makeup that individualizes a person. This constitutional approach framing mind and body works at the root-level.

It requires a detailed case history of the patient and its evaluation for selecting a suitableconstitutional remedy.

Homeopathic approach in obesity treatment entails treating the root causes of obesity.

Homeopathic medicines for weight loss should be accompanied with a strict diet and exercise for enhanced results.

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Constitutional treatment is most appropriate, but some of the following remedies might be useful.


Calcarea Carb


It is indicated in people who carry excess fat in abdomen and who have a very low metabolism, resulting in obesity. These people have a tendency to perspire profusely, they are sensitive to cold. They are emotionally sensitive and sluggish in activity. A patient requiring this medicine is fatty and flabby. There are certain strange eating habits which include craving for boiled eggs and strange things like chalk, clay, pencils, lime and so on. Due to a sluggish metabolic activity, the patients are almost always constipated.

Natrum Mur

It is indicated when fat is concentrated in the thighs and buttocks as compared to other parts of the body. It is indicated when their ailments from stress or depression, extreme heat of the body and intolerance to the heat of the sun. There is a craving for extra salt in diet. It is suited to a person with weeping tendencies, especially when alone. It worsens when someone consoles him / her and the person is of a reserved nature.


This is prescribed when along with obesity patients have chronic gastric complaints such as flatulence and constipation. Emotionally they are irritable and easily get angry. They have a tendency to crave for sweet foods. They also indulge in hot drinks and hot food.

Nux Vomica

It is recommended if excess weight is due to sedentary habits. They have chronic constipation. Emotionally they get angry easily, become violent at times. It is suited to people who like spicy food, fatty food and stimulants like coffee or alcoholic drinks.

Ammonium Carb

It is indicated in people who carry excess fat in upper body as compared to legs which are usually thin. These people feel tired and weak very easily.

Obesity treatment should be directed towards the specific causes of obesity and the effects of obesity for each person. It is therefore advisable to consult your doctor and take medicines to work on your obesity and work on lifestyle changes. Surgery should be treated as a last option. It can be avoided if you can religiously follow a proper diet, exercise and medicines.

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