Stomach infection making you a spoilsport? Homeopathy to the rescue!

Stomach infection making you a spoilsport? Homeopathy to the rescue!

Food Allergy
November 11, 2019 , Last updated: August 9, 2024

Anish, a 23-year-old college-going boy, suffered from recurrent stomach problems since the time he started staying away from his home for higher studies. It impacted everything he did and greatly affected his years as a young adult. He never really enjoyed the days with his college buds and would always dread going out for lunches/dinner with the group. Merely eating lunch from the college canteen would irritate his stomach and cause vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps. His parents were also worried about his health and were repenting their decision of sending him away from home. His mother used to advise several home remedies to combat stomach infection, but nothing could give him a long-lasting relief. He was given several different medicines by doctors, but couldn't function normally. He got fed up with taking drugs and wanted a cure or something that will reduce the occurrence of stomach infection symptoms.

Only when he tried homeopathy treatment, he got relief from the irritating symptoms. After the consultation with the homeopath, he also found that stress and certain foods are triggers for his infection. The doctor gave him appropriate homeopathic remedies for stomach pain along with a diet chart. Meanwhile, he also learned cooking and started having homemade food, which further helped calm his irritated stomach. He included green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits in his diet which helped boost his immunity from within. The homeopathic doctor also helped him deal with the stress of daily life better and has helped reduce his anxiety.

Like Anish, there are many people who deal with recurrent stomach infections. It may sound like a trivial matter for you, but ask someone who gets it.

Also Read: What causes infection in stomach?

A stomach infection may cause loss of appetite, low-grade fever, abdominal cramps and pain, diarrhea and vomiting. It comes up after consumption of contaminated food or water or after coming in contact with an infected person.

Stomach infection can be caused by a variety of bacteria or viruses that attack your gut. Usually, stomach infection is self-treated but you may need to take proper treatment if you are suffering from it frequently.

Homeopathy is a very good option for treating stomach infection as it will not only relieve you from acute infection but will also prevent you from getting recurrent/chronic infection. This is because homeopathy helps in increasing your immunity from within and makes your digestive system strong thereby gently reducing the intensity and frequency of complaints.

Common homeopathic remedies for stomach pain and infection:

  • Arsenicum album

This homeopathic remedy is suggested when a person gets stomach infection from eating contaminated food and experience symptoms like weakness, thirstiness, anxiety, and restlessness.

  • Pulsatilla

This remedy is usually prescribed to someone who experiences stomach infection symptoms like nausea (which worsens from heat) and gets better after drinking warm fluids. The person feels better in the open air and is in a weepy mood.

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  • Phosphorous

This remedy is prescribed to individuals who want and feel better after having cold drinks, have fear of darkness and get scared when alone.

  • Nux vomica

This remedy is prescribed to individuals who are hypersensitive to light, noise, and odors and are often in an irritable mood. They get an urge to pass stools but cannot.

  • Veratrum album

This remedy is prescribed to individuals who feel the cold perspiration on forehead alongwith diarrhea and vomiting, thirst for cold water and craving for sour things.

  • Podophyllum

This remedy is prescribed to individuals who experience painless diarrhea, weakness, forceful, gushing stools, and stools with undigested food particles.

  • Ipecac

This remedy can be prescribed to individuals who experience vomiting, nausea, and faintness after vomiting.

  • Antimonium crudum

This remedy can be prescribed to individuals who experience vomiting right after eating or drinking, constant belching, white-coated tongue, and infection from overeating.

These are just a few examples of medicines used for stomach infection. You need to take proper homeopathic consultation from a qualified homeopath who will give you medicines after studying your case in detail. You will get complete relief only when you take appropriate remedy based on symptom totality which only a homeopath can understand. So, avoid self-medication and visit a qualified homeopathic doctor for proper treatment.

You can consult our expert homeopaths to get a safe, effective, and long-lasting treatment for stomach infection by booking an appointment at

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