Treat Asthma In Children Without Worrying About The Side-Effects

Treat Asthma In Children Without Worrying About The Side-Effects

February 6, 2007 , Last updated: October 4, 2024

Did you know that asthma is one of the most common causes of absenteeism in school for children? It accounts for an estimated 14 million lost school days, with nearly three million doctor visits and two million hospitalisations each year! Only those who suffer from asthma or have seen their child struggling to breathe during an asthma attack know the emotional, physical and mental turmoil asthma can cause.

Just imagine the pain a parent goes through when pre-schools reject admissions to their child suffering from asthma. How difficult would it be to explain a child that he has been left out of a school picnic because his teacher is afraid to take responsibility of an asthmatic child?

If you too are one of those who want to see their child breathe free and are looking out for a safe treatment of asthma without side-effects, you are on a right page. We give you a treatment option that is safe and has proven efficacy to treat asthma in children. Before we tell you about the treatment of asthma, it is imperative for you to know what are symptoms of asthma and how to diagnose asthma in children as well as what is it that causes asthma in children and what can trigger asthma in them or worsen it.


Diagnosing asthma in children, especially children under the age 5 can be difficult. This is because in infants and young children the primary symptoms of asthma — wheezing and coughing — may be caused by other conditions too. Moreover, the diagnostic tests that are used to measure how well or normal someone is breathing cannot be used easily or accurately with children under age 5. 

Children with asthma often suffer from cough and wheeze; they also experience chest tightness and shortness of breath. Research indicates that viruses, rather than bacteria, are to blame for such flare-ups. There are few symptoms that indicate your child might be suffering from asthma. These are:

  • Difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath
  • A tight, uncomfortable feeling in the chest
  • Cough
  • Wheezing, a high-pitched, whistle-like sound when exhaling
  • Short periods of coughing and wheezing between periods of time with no symptoms

In severe cases,

  • Symptoms worsen at night
  • Frequent or chronic symptoms with episodes of worse wheezing and coughing
  • Prevalent infections or allergies might trigger seasonal changes.

If these symptoms are seen in your child, it is likely that he/she might be suffering from asthma. A doctor might also suggest few tests like a blood test, chest x-ray or an allergy test to confirm his diagnosis.    


If your child is gasping for air, breathing so hard that the abdomen is sucked under the ribs or has trouble speaking because of restricted breathing, you need to take an emergency treatment. These are the symptoms of severe asthma that can be life-threatening.


Children who have suffered from a disease of the air passages, recurrent bronchitis, or allergic bronchitis are predisposed to asthma. Respiratory infections, including flu, can also trigger asthmatic episodes in them.

Exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke is just as important; it is a widely-accepted cause of childhood asthma. Also, the children of parents who smoke are more prone to asthma than children of parents who do not smoke.

Asthma may be triggered or worsened by certain events. Some of the asthma triggers in children are:

  • Activity or exercise
  • Colds or other respiratory infections
  • Allergens (Allergy-causing agents) such as dust, pet dander or pollen
  • In infants, feeding might trigger asthma
  • Exposure to cigarette smoke or other airborne irritants
  • Strong emotional reactions, such as crying or laughing
  • Gastrointestinal reflux
  • Changes or extremes in weather.


The treatment goals for young children with asthma are to treat inflammation in the airways to prevent asthma attacks, use safe and natural remedies to treat asthma without causing side-effects, avoid or minimize the effect of asthma triggers and maintain normal activity levels.

Homeopathy is one such treatment options that meet all the above goals. Homeopathy treatment for asthma treats a child suffering from asthma by taking a holistic outlook. It examines not just the symptoms a child experiences during an attack, but also all the changes and variations that occur on the physical, mental and emotional levels. This helps to determine how a child’s health and well-being have been altered. Homeopathic treatment of asthma analyses the hereditary factors and environmental triggers too — to complete the child’s constitutional portrait, while stimulating the child’s immunity by treating the cause of the illness — and, not just the illness state or diagnosis.

Furthermore, conventional treatment of asthma, especially the inhalers, can sometimes be associated with side-effects like increased heart rate and muscle weakness. Systemic bronchodilator medications such as theophylline affect the whole body rather than just the lungs and so have a greater number of unpleasant side effects. Mood and behavioral changes; allergic reactions; nausea and vomiting; tremors; irregular heartbeats; and persistent headaches can occur due to allopathic medicines usually suggested for asthma. Importantly, children are nowadays getting addicted to or are increasingly getting dependent on inhalers, which has become a cause of worry for most parents.

By treating your child with homeopathy treatment of asthma, all of the above side-effects can be avoided and asthma symptoms are far more likely to reduce over time and clear completely.

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