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Pollution and Allergies

Pollution and Allergies Go Hand-In-Hand

Are you sneezing, sniffling or suffering from allergies? You’re not alone –…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
05 Feb 20 , Last updated: 20 Aug 24
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Here’s how to prevent allergies through GenoHomeopathy

Here’s how to prevent allergies through GenoHomeopathy

Isha got a headache after eating wheat, Jack became hyper if he had orange…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
28 Dec 19 , Last updated: 17 Aug 24
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Immediate and Delayed Onset Food Allergies

Immediate and Delayed Onset Food Allergies

If you were to unfold and lay your small intestine flat on the ground, it’s…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
28 Dec 19 , Last updated: 17 Aug 24
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Suffering from occasional allergies? You might be undergoing seasonal allergy

Suffering from occasional allergies? You might be undergoing seasonal allergy

Are you having itchy skin, a runny nose, and sometimes itchy or watery,…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
16 Dec 19 , Last updated: 17 Aug 24
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Stomach infection making you a spoilsport? Homeopathy to the rescue!

Stomach infection making you a spoilsport? Homeopathy to the rescue!

Anish, a 23-year-old college-going boy, suffered from recurrent stomach…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
11 Nov 19 , Last updated: 09 Aug 24
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Homeopathic medicines for indigestion

Homeopathic medicines for indigestion

Indigestion problems are occasional problems but to some people, they are all…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
11 Nov 19 , Last updated: 09 Aug 24
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Tired of taking allergy shots? Now, take homeopathy for effective results

Tired of taking allergy shots? Now, take homeopathy for effective results

Nature can sometimes play a cruel game with millions of easy victims. In fact,…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
27 Oct 19 , Last updated: 03 Sep 24
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Tips that can help save a life of someone with a food allergy

Tips that can help save a life of someone with a food allergy

Food allergies are very common as there are some more than 10 million cases of…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
14 Oct 19 , Last updated: 15 Jul 24
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