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Baby fuss due to teething problem

Baby fuss due to teething problem

It’s a wonderful feeling having a baby…..A start of a beautiful new journey. In…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
31 Jul 19 , Last updated: 01 Aug 24
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Does your child fall ill often? These could be the reasons

Does your child fall ill often? These could be the reasons

Cough, Sniffle, Sneeze, Repeat… Is this story of your child who falls sick…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
31 Jul 19 , Last updated: 02 Aug 24
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Make your child monsoon ready

Make your child monsoon ready

"Pitter-patter, pitter-patter," can you hear the rain? "Pitter-patter, pitter-…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
27 Jul 19 , Last updated: 03 Aug 24
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Are you looking for immune-boosters? Try homeopathy.

Are you looking for immune-boosters? Try homeopathy

When it’s chilly and rainy outside, cold and flu season is at its height.It’s…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
06 Jul 19 , Last updated: 05 Aug 24
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Autism - What happens after homeopathic treatment?

Autism - What happens after homeopathic treatment?

Autism is a behavioral disorder that occurs in children mostly in the first 3…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
22 Jun 19 , Last updated: 04 Sep 24
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Living with Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URTI)

Living with Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URTI)

Feels like you’re catching a cold again? Well, you’re not alone. We all have…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
22 Jun 19 , Last updated: 07 Aug 24
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Sing farewell to tonsillitis with homeopathy, the definite alternative

Sing farewell to tonsillitis with homeopathy, the definite alternative

Exams were just round the corner. A million dollar question comes into a…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
22 Jun 19 , Last updated: 07 Aug 24
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Causes & Treatment of ADHD

Causes & Treatment of ADHD

Is your son restless & unable to sit at one place for a long time? Is it…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
18 Jun 19 , Last updated: 07 Aug 24
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