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Homoeopathy for Hyperthyroid

Homoeopathy for hyperthyroid

If you have 3 or more of the following symptoms then you may most likely have…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
31 May 17 , Last updated: 28 May 24
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Homoeopathy for Hypothyroid

Homoeopathy for hypothyroid

If you are suffering from 3 or more of the above symptoms then you are most…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
31 May 17 , Last updated: 28 May 24
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Homeopathy & hyperthyroidism

'Moderation is the key' – how many times have you heard this phrase? Often…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
23 May 17 , Last updated: 06 May 24
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Homeopathy & cystitis

Cystitis is a common malady. By way of definition, cystitis is infection of the…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
23 May 17 , Last updated: 06 May 24
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Answering Important Questions on Hypothyroidism

Answering important questions on hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is widely acknowledged as the most common of allthyroid problems…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
23 May 17 , Last updated: 18 Jul 24
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10 Common Question on Hypothyroid

10 Common question on hypothyroid

What is hypothyroid and how can it be detected? Hypothyroid occurs when the…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
22 May 17 , Last updated: 06 May 24
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8 Habits That Are Hurting Your Thyroid Health

8 Habits that are hurting your thyroid health

Studies indicate that thyroid problems and disorders are among the leading…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
22 May 17 , Last updated: 06 May 24
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Hypothyroidism & Its Homeopathy Treatment

Hypothyroidism & Its Homeopathy Treatment

Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
26 Apr 17 , Last updated: 18 Jul 24
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