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Can the painful bedsore on my back ever be cured?

Can the Painful Bedsore on My Back Ever Be Cured?

A 70 years old lady was hospitalized for a month because she suffered of an…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
04 Apr 17 , Last updated: 30 Apr 24
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My baby’s head is full of yellowish oily scales…

My Baby’s Head is Full of Yellowish Oily Scales…

Mother of a 5month old baby was worried that her baby suffered from yellowish…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
04 Apr 17 , Last updated: 30 Apr 24
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10 Reasons Homoeopathy is the best for your Hair/ Scalp Problems

10 Reasons Homoeopathy is the best for your Hair/ Scalp Problems

Are you suffering of dull/ limp or thin hair? Are you having scaly or crusty…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
03 Apr 17 , Last updated: 30 Apr 24
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Homeopathy & Hair Loss

Hair is the barometer of your health. Hair loss is not just about losing…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
03 Apr 17 , Last updated: 30 Apr 24
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Homeopathy & Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a scaly, chronic, recurring skin disorder. It affects 2-3 per cent…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
03 Apr 17 , Last updated: 05 Sep 24
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Homeopathy: Safe & Effective Treatment for PCOS

Homeopathy: Safe & Effective Treatment for PCOS

Living with Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) can sometimes be a daunting task…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
24 Mar 17 , Last updated: 30 Apr 24
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Weight Loss can weigh down the risk of Diabetes

Weight Loss Can Weigh Down the Risk of Diabetes

Thinking of dropping a few pounds? If you’re overweight and have diabetes, it’s…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
24 Mar 17 , Last updated: 30 Apr 24
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Common Hair Loss Questions Answered for You

Common Hair Loss Questions Answered for You

Although hair loss is fairly common, it can be difficult to live with. Most of…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
24 Mar 17 , Last updated: 25 Apr 24
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