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Is Arsenic Album 30 the Immunity Booster for You?

Is Arsenic Album 30 the Immunity Booster for You

If you have a strong immune system, you're less susceptible to catch infections…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
22 Jan 21 , Last updated: 17 Jul 24
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How Geno Homeopathy Redefines the Future of Healing?

How Geno Homeopathy Redefines the Future of Healing

“I have a history of a few health conditions, such as asthma, stomach cancer,…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
22 Jan 21 , Last updated: 30 Aug 24
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Homeopathy: Your Best Companion in the Flu Season

Homeopathy: Your Best Companion in the Flu Season

Our body has natural intelligence and the capacity to heal itself. A cold…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
20 Jan 21 , Last updated: 20 Jul 24
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Homeopathy: One-Stop Solution for Skin Problems

Homeopathy: One-Stop Solution for Skin Problems

Individualized homeopathic treatment can garner a favourable response in…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
19 Jan 21 , Last updated: 04 Sep 24
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Homeopathy — Best Remedy for Acne.

Homeopathy — Best Remedy for Acne

Geet got some unexpected pustuler acne erruptions on her upper back, during her…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
19 Jan 21 , Last updated: 18 Jul 24
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Eczema vs Psoriasis — Know the difference.

Eczema vs Psoriasis — Know the difference.

Sarah’s skin was itchy, red and dry. She couldn’t stop scratching her hand.…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
19 Jan 21 , Last updated: 18 Jul 24
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All You Need to Know About Acne

All You Need to Know About Acne

Acne is a common skin condition that takes place when hair follicles under the…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
18 Jan 21 , Last updated: 18 Jul 24
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7 Best Foods for Healthy Skin

7 Best Foods for Healthy Skin

A healthy diet is important for your overall well-being. On the contrary, an…
Posted by: Dr Batra's®
18 Jan 21 , Last updated: 18 Jul 24
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